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Acmlmboard Archive - Version history - 1.x (i1)Show description: All - Only selected
1.x (i1)
1.x (i1) | Viewable items: 13
Extremely early version, with about one day of work done. This is the earliest available version found.

  • The only functionality implemented at this point is reading the forum list in the index, and the thread list in a forum
  • There are no permissions, users or posts yet.
  • The board does not need to be installed, since it uses flat files (with .dat extension) for everything.
      • MySQL storage isn't used at all.
      • There are a couple of side effects to this:
          • The entirety of the forums and threads files (and later on, posts) need to be iterated manually every time.
          • The *entirety* of the .dat files also needs to be loaded in memory.
  • There's no function file yet. Common functions are duplicated and adapted at the top of each file.
  • The layout file with $tccell variables is already present here, though it made more sense at this point since bgcolor attributes are used instead of CSS. Unfortunately it's used even to this day, when it just points to CSS classes.
  • The color scheme used is different than the one from later versions -- here it looks like Acmlm's old site, which will later become the "Acmlm's ROM Hack Domain" scheme
  • Original
    A version from before Acmlm's Board opened.
    Barebones copy with many resources missing.

  • By this point, the core of the board is pretty much completed. The following features have been added compared to 0.0:
      • Viewing, creating, editing and deleting posts and threads
      • Posts by user page, though there's no permalink to posts yet (and it won't be here for a few years) so the thread is directly linked instead.
      • User profiles, with passwords using a custom encryption... which can be also decrypted.
          • A page to test the aforemented encryption / decryption
      • User registration page
      • Post read status
      • Profile editing (both for the current user and by an admin)
      • Login/Logout with cookies, though the password in the cookie is in plain text
      • Post icons
      • Forum categories
      • Online users bar
      • Memberlist, with user bios (which will later be nuked)
      • Ranks and smilies
      • A more complete header and footer HTML. The way it works will remain for the remainder of the 1.x versions.
      • A basic namecolor system to distinguish male/female users (as $malecolor and $femalecolor), which is used very rarely and not on user links yet.

  • .dat files can now be written to, though they aren't opened in append mode, and as such they are always rewritten from scratch.
  • The board has an internal "images" folder, instead of only relying on the images of
  • posts.dat isn't backed up when a post is edited yet.
  • Threads and posts are never deleted permanently, but are assigned to a dummy thread/forum ID. 'Deleted threads' counts as forum #-1, and can be browsed as such.
  • The color scheme has been updated. This will be default for a while, and would be later named "Old Blue"

      Changes in the fixed archive:
    • Passwords are supposed to be encoded with a custom algorythm in the user file, but registering an user writes the password in plain text. Since everything else expects the encoded password, it would be normally impossible to login.
    • The original archive lacked an 'images' folder, even though the board already references it for status icons and ranks.
    • Logon cookies were hardcoded to use the domain '' and they expired immediately anyway.
    • Since eregi_replace() is removed in PHP 7, str_replace() has taken its place
  • Original
    A later prerelease version with PM functionality and some minor optimizations.
    Contains all the resources missing from 0.7.

  • Added features:
      • Active users page.
      • Private messages and private message box.
  • New profile fields:
      • Real name
      • Location
  • The board header is separated from the board title ($boardtitle split from $boardname)
  • $domain and $folder are defined in the config file for use with the login page instead of being hardcoded.
  • The entire posts table isn't loaded in RAM anymore; posts are loaded individually by iterating on the file.
    Helper functions to read posts incrementally are provided.
  • More specific functions for dealing with .dat files are present in the function file.
  • Encoding functionality is part of the function file.
  • More board messages auto redirect.
  • A few optimizations regarding the loading of unnecessary .dat files for pages.
  • You must be logged in and have the correct permissions to edit a post.
  • The index page tells the rendering time for going through all posts.
  • When posts are edited, a backup copy of posts.dat is created.
    This is a problem when too many people edit posts at once.
  • Default sort option in memberlist page shown in the links ('Most active users').
  • ICQ number in the profile also shows the icon
  • Added checks to prevent access to restricted forums from thread.php
  • Banned users can't reply, edit or create threads.
  • Quotes are in a blockquote tag
  • Original
    The initial version used when Acmlm's Board opened.

  • Added features:
      • Admin page for editing the contents of a few .dat files.
      • Global announcements
      • FAQ
      • Local moderators (not as a separate power level yet)
      • Custom thread icons
      • Global view counter (in counter.dat)
      • IP address logging and IP banning
      • Simple RPG elements
      • BBCode support and a few & tags (&numposts& and &numdays& only for now).

  • New profile fields:
      • Post header.
        It's now possible to have a real CSS layouts.
        Note that post header and signature are auto added to the post contents now, wasting space.

  • Resource changes:
      • Added coin.gif to the post icons
      • and smilies added
      • :C changed to

  • Users are stored in separate .usr files in the user folder.
  • Smilies and post icons almost completely replaced. These will more or less remain unchanged from this point on.
  • Max post length set to 12000 characters instead of being hardcoded.
  • Banned users have their own name color ($bannedcolor #999)
  • Header links use two rows and are centered.
  • Time units are in their own function
  • Case insensitive comparision is now used for:
      • Sorting by name in the memberlist
      • Duplicate username detection during registration
  • eval abuse removed when handling smilies
  • Even more messages auto redirect (profile editing, editing threads, registration, ...)
  • $isadmin and $ismod shorthand values added.
  • Login cookies are checked to be valid.

  • Smilies are processed when editing a post.
  • forum.php uses pagination and doesn't throw Warnings when there are no threads in a forum
  • The message for editing posts/logging in fixed the duplicated text.
  • The member list can be sorted by EXP, and it shows the user's level and EXP.
  • Can't post threads in restricted forums or if you're banned.
  • User's last IP is shown in the profile when viewing as admin
  • 'Banned' title is shown if the user is banned in the profile
  • You can view ranks lower than your current one.
  • Few minor changes to the ranks page layout (a few table titles use small fonts and 'Moderators' is renamed to 'Full Moderators')
  • The first user who registers is automatically adminned.
  • Private messages can be deleted (this sets the user ID to -1)
  • Newer / Older thread navigation added to thread.php
  • Page links in thread.php are wrapped in a full width table.

  • Fields added to the post table:
      • Last post
      • Last activity
      • RPG Elements
  • Post table heightened to 220px (from 160px)
  • Original
    A slight update to 1.0.

  • Added a script to convert users from the old unified "users.dat" into separate user files
  • The powerlevel indicator was changed:
      • It's now also shown to staff. Previously it was only visible to normal users.
      • The text is now bolded.
  • Renamed "Moderators" to "Full moderators" in the ranks page
  • Original
    A minor update which improves performance a little bit.
    This is the last version before the switch to MySQL.

  • Added features:
      • Support for border-specific colors through CSS (disabled by default)
      • Affiliate links

  • posts.bak is used differently:
      • Before, posts.dat was copied to posts.bak before any changes are written.
      • Now, the edits are first written to posts.bak, which is then copied to posts.dat.- Max length for thread titles changed from 40 to 100 characters

  • Resource changes:
      • Buster Beetle rank renamed to Buzzy Beetle

  • A more intuitive check for limits is used, which uses for loops (forum.php, index.php)
  • Removed backwards compatiblity with the single users.dat file.

  • Max length for custom titles changed from 100 to 200 characters
  • Max post length lowered to 5000 characters.
  • Fixed BBCode typo in the FAQ page
  • Minor changes for performance
  • Original
    Not the original, but a version customized for

  • First available version using MySQL, and:
      • When a post/announcement/thread/... is deleted it's deleted permamently instead of being moved to an invalid ID.
      • Several of the .dat helper functions were removed (readthreads, openpostfile, post, readnextpost, readpmsg, readannc, readusers, writepost, writepmgs, writeannc, writethreads, writepostread, adduser, saveuser) with only few others either remaining or being converted to use SQL queries (readforums, readpostread).
        Note that several files recreate the functionality of the removed functions by themselves.
      • Categories, ranks, IP bans and forum mods still are defined in .dat files. An earlier version still had forums in flat files, but it hasn't been found.
      • Some parts converted to SQL weren't changed much to accomodate for the advantages of SQL queries
        (example: while readusers() is gone, it's still recreated in much of the files by fetching all users from the db and leaving the following checks untouched)
      • mysql_fetch_array is used for some "backwards compatiblity" (if you can call it like that). while some arrays use the assoc keys, others (most infamously $loguser) do not.
        For example $users[$loguserid][7] is now $loguser[7] instead of the better option ($loguser[powerlevel]).
        Even the current jul code has some holdovers from this bad decision.

  • Install file provided as install.php

  • Adds:
      • Some new pages:
          • Threads by user
          • Photo album (reportedly a version of it exists before the switch to MySQL, but it's lost to time)
      • Static numgfx through generatenumbergfx(), which creates an image tag for each digit
        Level / EXP / Posts text graphics also exist now.
        This can be enabled as an option in the user's profile (which would later be only part of the regular/extended layouts)
      • Page rendered in x seconds text
      • Forum jump
      • More RPG functions (totallvlexp, calcexpgainpost, calcexpgaintime
      • Guest display in the online users bars
      • Theming scrollbars (IE only)
      • Thread views

  • New profile fields:
      • Birthday
      • Numgfx on / off

  • Resource changes:
      • More smileys addded as thread icons
      • Added smileys: 8-) > :S o_O ^_^ ^^;;; ~:o x_x
      • Smileys slightly reorganized

  • Color scheme declarations are split from the layout file, in 'colors.php'
  • The 'Old blue' theme is replaced with Daily Cycle (though in this version it's a bright variant).
  • User pictures and thread titles are partially HTML escaped in a lazy way (which still exists in the jul versions)
  • Some minor capitalization changes across files (ie: 'New Reply' is now 'New reply')
  • Sidebar changes:
      • Added EXP bar
      • 'For next LV' text in the sidebar cut down to 'For next'

  • BBCode / Tag declarations are in the newly created doreplace() instead of being copypasted everywhere needed.
  • &exp&, &expnext&", &level& and /me tags added.
  • $loguser is introduced instead of doing $users[$loguserid].
  • Added a few extra layout variables (ie: $categorybg)

  • Passwords are stored plain-text in the database, as the encoding functions aren't provided in early distributables.
  • Post/PM quotes are enclosed in a table

  • The admin page removed the forum section as they are stored on the DB now.
  • Fixed exploit involving normal users deleting announcements.
  • When a post/thread is deleted or a thread is moved the thread reply count and forum post count is decremented.
  • After deleting a post you are redirected to the thread rather than the forum.
  • User rank and numgfx options added to edit user
  • Memberlist can sort by age and uses pagination
  • Private messages page removes leftover pagination code.
    Pagination would be implemented later.
  • Profile page additions:
      • Post average
      • Projected date for n posts
      • Bar for posts % to other users.
      • EXP gain for post
      • Birthday info
      • Replaces 'User Signature' field for a sample post.
        Note that the sample post is as a standard field instead of being an actual post table.
  • Registration page redirects to the login page rather than the index page.
  • Fixed exploit involving deleting anyone's PMs
  • You can view PMs you've sent, but there isn't a way to list them yet.
  • Pagination format (in thread.php) changed to not print anything when only one page is present.

  • Exploits still present:
      • Posting threads to restricted forums while being logged out.

  • Changes in the fixed archive:
      • The install file is from an earlier version as some tables are missing required fields. Newer MySQL version don't even accept the queries.
      • This version has a bright light color scheme by default. The hopefully original theme files for the daily cycle can be found in 0_origcolors.
      • Same issue as 0.7 with the cookies expiring prematurely.
      • The flat files use an oddball ANSI-only separator (char 0xAF) meaning that saving the files from the admin page in modern browsers breaks them. This has been solved by converting all the offending files to UTF-8 and using using explode() in place of fgetcsv() when parsing them. The ways forum mods are printed had to be changed.
      • Photo Album is placed on the header links, as it should normally be.
  • Original
    First of the known distributable versions. This was lost for quite some time.

  • Adds following features:
      • Local moderators as an actual group (powl 1, which shifted the rest up)
      • Selectable default userpics, though the page is hidden and the userpics are defined in a .dat file.
        As this was a distributable, only a small subset of userpics is included here, and the page itself has a markedly different layout.
      • New thread / New reply images
      • Various extra pages (user post list, posts by time of day, show posts as 'theaduser.php')
      • ctime() & cdate()
  • Custom title length has been extended from 200 to 250 characters.
  • Forum "permissions" are split in three: view, reply, thread
  • Non-normal users are now shown in different colors (which is the same for all sex options)
  • Getting the user rank is now handled consistently by a function.
  • Fixes various security bugs

    Changes in the fixed archive:
  • Same problems with editing of flat files
  • Same issue as 0.7 with the cookies expiring prematurely.
  • Fixes issues related to register_global'd variables getting used before the misfeature can be recreated
  • Original
    Recovered from the backup folder in 1.9.

  • Adds:
      • Selectable color schemes. colors.php now only contains the basic default settings. Daily cycle itself was updated to use new images.
      • Selectable thread layouts. However, instead of having a file for each layout, there are a bunch of if statements in threadpost()
      • Very preliminary del.php:
          • It has no filter / sorting options
          • To delete an user you need to type an user ID in a text box. Only one user can be deleted at a time.
          • Color scheme used is hardcoded and specific to this file
          • Note that it allows access only for a specific IP address and inconsistently only allows deletion for user id #1. The 'Deleted user' is hardcoded to be user #4.
      • Unfinished IP ban editing page from Blades. It doesn't work properly though and saving is disabled.
      • Online users page
      • Calendar (already with hidden event functionality)
      • Preliminary post radar (by Jesper, I think)
        It displays the post radar text both on top of the header image and below the header links. The text itself is somewhat different, and the 'Edit post radar' link is also part of it - the link is not displayed alongside the normal header links yet.
      • Post toolbar
      • The (apparently) infamously slow search page, which allows to search for text in posts and has IP address / user name filters.
        This version is not restricted to administrators; everybody can access it.
        By this point, the search logic has been already integrated in thread.php. An earlier version of the file exists in which the search page did everything by itself and did not use threadpost().
      • Member links
      • Mini pic list
      • User ratings
      • Syndromes
      • Stats page (which everybody forgets)

  • 'test.php' is only present in this version to fix broken forum counters.

  • It's possible to collapse categories in the index page. For now there's also a profile option to collapse them all by default.
  • NumGFX can now be also generated by numgfx.php, rather than being linked directly to the images.
  • Passwords are encoded using md5.
  • IP changes are logged to ipchanges.log, as well as hits to their own table (for special view milestones)
  • Various functionality is now handled consistently and in a single place (ie: using threadpost() instead of the post table code being everywhere)
  • Some changes regarding name colors:
      • They are now generally respected when userlinks are printed. This is more noticeable with the "last post" text in the index page.
      • The colors themselves are defined in arrays, making it possible to have different colors for all of the sex options, even for non-normal users.
        This removes $malecolor, $femalecolor, $bannedcolor, $lcmodcolor, $modercolor and $admincolor, even though some schemes still make use of them.
  • The way forumread is fetched is less insane

  • Many more tags can be used, as well as extra BBCode ([s] and [url])
  • Userpics, categories, forum mods and ranks definitions have been moved to the db.
    This made the admin page even more useless, and even though it still exists, the header link for it is not clickable anymore.
  • filter: CSS definition is filtered out, as well as the :glow

  • Threads per page aren't hardcoded anymore and can be configured in the profile page.
  • Configuration options are now in config.php. Previously they were split between the layout and function file.
  • Editing a post allows to edit its header/signature; and the edited text is placed in the signature now (but still editable).
  • Deleting a post displays a JS confirmation alert. Previously the post was deleted immediately, with no confirmation whatsoever.
    Note that deleting threads does not show any alert if the Delete thread checkbox is selected.
  • The logic of 'show posts' is now in thread.php, even though threaduser.php still exists.
  • The FAQ was updated
  • Posts by time allows to specify a date limit
  • 'Posts found' removed from users' profiles.
  • Some layout changes:
      • Private messages are displayed in their own table.
      • The edit profile page has its first column width adjusted to make the small text not look squashed and terrible.
        The edit user page received small touch ups, for example selecting a power level is done through a select box rather than radio buttons.
      • The memberlist and photos pages has more filters, and the inline links were changed to a table.
      • Input fields can be now styled using CSS.
      • There are visible links to view sent PMs, send someone a PM and to sneak into someone else's inbox.
  • A formatting change: HTML isn't output line by line, but all at once.
  • mysql_close() isn't called anymore at the bottom of the page

    The fixed files are included in the archive, in the folder 0_fixes
  • Original
    A distributable forked from an earlier revision of 1.8.

  • Password fields are still limited to 13 characters
  • Does not include the password encoders or md5 encryption; passwords are saved as plain text.
  • Lacks &postrank10k& & tag
  • Lacks the post radar
  • Board "hits" and IP changes aren't logged
  • User ratings are shown in the sidebar

  • :glow and filter: isn't filtered out
  • Name colors haven't been updated.
  • 'posts found' is still shown in the user's profile.
  • Same issue as 0.7 with the cookies expiring prematurely.
  • Original
    (1.79 database copy)

    Seemed to be used internally as a test copy with a 1.79 backup database?
    It's a later version than the distributable.

  • The name colors have been updated to the ones from 1.8.
  • The install file exists, but it doesn't have 'headtext' and 'signtext' in the privatemsg table
  • Posts by time allows to filter the last post interval.
  • As it's an internal version:
      • Dani points are mentioned in the FAQ
      • "update in progress" message (in index1.html)
      • phpinfo script
      • md5 encryption conversion script (as md5.php). However md5 isn't used.
  • Original
    The last development version used in the I1 archive.

  • Adds the following features:
      • Polls
      • Selectable ranksets
      • Favourite threads
      • Hex Chart
      • IP Search (an old version by Blades is also included as ipscanner.php)
      • Preliminary Item shop (doesn't work)
      • RPG Status Image
      • Signature size comparision
  • To improve performance (because old MySQL), posts_text is split from posts.
    Private messages still are still unified in privatemsg for now.
  • Most post layouts are stored on their own table rather than the same table as posts.
    Note that editing an header / signature from a single post saves the post layout in the old way.
  • Tags don't work like smileys anymore and now reference the stats for the current post, not the updated ones (noticeable when editing a post).
    Unfortunately they decided to serialize the tags in the worst possible way (manually; using oddball ASCII characters).
  • Some XSS protection is included, but it's rather limited.
  • The online users bar now shows up on forums / threads.
  • Various safety checks added in files.

  • Several parts of layout.php (most importantly the login check code) have been moved to function.php
  • $tccell has a few changes:
      • It does not include the '>' anymore, to allow using extra attributes. All files of course had to be changed.
      • Instead of using bgcolor tags, it now uses CSS classes
      • Why was it still being used at this point
  • Quick variables like $isadmin are used sometimes.
  • Most of the places using numeric keys to index result sets have been (finally) changed to use associative keys.
  • IP Changes are not logged for AOL users.

  • Quickmod implemented, and the edit thread link is placed there.
    NOTE: Trash forum hardcoded to be forum #20
  • It's possible to post announcements using alternate credentials, and has been fixed to prevent non-admins from posting.
  • del.php does not use a custom color scheme, and has an option to only show users with less than a certain number of posts.
  • Birthday text changed from "user's birthday ($age)" to "user turns $age"
  • Changes to edit profile:
      • Banned users cannot edit their profile anymore.
      • Users can change their custom title by themselves, if they have the requirements.
        Previously it was only possible to do so through edit user.
  • Edit user is organized neatly into categories, and allows changing more profile options.
  • The option to view collapsed categories in the index by default has been removed, but they are still clickable and collapsable manually.
  • The post radar is finialized now. The post radar link is displayed alongside the header links.
  • The login cookie expiration time is now set to a fixed 2147483647, preventing immediate autoexpires.
  • There is a limit to how many much you can post in each thread for a day. 200 for normal threads, 100 for ACS.
  • Generated NumGFX can use extra non-numeric characters (/NA-) and are transparent.
  • The lists of board staff and users with custom titles have been removed from the ranks page.
  • The stats page displays sizes in the same unit (bytes)
  • The search functionality gained extra filters
  • The memberlist hides bios by default.

    The fixed files are included in the archive, in the folder 0_fixes
    0_archive_specific contains the files changed to make a read only board (would also require deleting a couple of files)
  • Download
    Last "official" version; comes in both 'internal' and 'distributable' variations.

  • Library files have been moved from the board root to the '/lib' folder.
  • privatemsg has been split into pmsgs and pmsgs_text
  • Adds safety checks to prevent editing invalid announcements
  • Post previews are improved. You can edit the post after previewing without being forced to return to the previous page.
  • Removed extra login checks outside the login page. Most notably, this affects the edit profile page.
  • Post layouts can be set to auto update
  • Thread layouts are stored in separate files, and the post functions are now in threadpost.php (moved off the function file)
  • New Reply errors are better detailed
  • Online users can be sorted by IP
  • Online users URLs are partially escaped
  • Minor optimizations is the extra files
  • Filter options for ranks selection page
  • Deleting a PM shows a JS confirmation box.
  • <_< and >_> added
  • Daily stats are displayed in the stats page
  • The item shop is more complete, but it doesn't work.
  • Search feature has been disabled.

  • For some reason the check to prevent banned users from editing their profiles is commented out.
  • Distributable
    Acmlmboard Archive - Version history - 1.x (i1)Show description: All - Only selected

    Scheme preview:

    Acmlmboard - v1.92.??? (??/??/????)
    ©2000-2025 Acmlm, Xkeeper, Inuyasha, et al.

    14 database queries.
    Query execution time: 0.083002 seconds
    Script execution time: 0.012906 seconds
    Total render time: 0.095908 seconds