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<EnzoAquarius> Also, I just lost The Game
* Marc sets mode: +g The Game
* Marc sets mode: +g The Game
<GerbilSoft> checksum += (rom[i] << 8) | rom[i+1];
<GerbilSoft> }
<GerbilSoft> and there you have it.
<NoNameAtAll> rom[i] *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<segaloco> lolwut
<andlabs> 8) is an emoticon on some systems
<NoNameAtAll> > checksum += (rom[i]|...
<NoNameAtAll> *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> ...rom[i+1];
<GerbilSoft> }
<GerbilSoft> and there you have it.
<NoNameAtAll> rom[i] *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<segaloco> lolwut
<andlabs> 8) is an emoticon on some systems
<NoNameAtAll> > checksum += (rom[i]|...
<NoNameAtAll> *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> ...rom[i+1];
<Kradorex> Chimpo doesn't like fun apparently
<Lobotomy> which is why he plays Sonic games
<Lobotomy> which is why he plays Sonic games
<Zircean> unrelated side note: Xkeeper's evil twin
[12:10] KeeperX> Uptime: 1w 6d 30m 27s 74ms
[12:10] KeeperX> that is what you can do with windows uptime, boys and girls.
Xkeeper> UPTIME - [1wk 6days 1hr 17mins 34secs]
Xkeeper> yeah, that was me a few minutes ago
[12:10] KeeperX> Uptime: 1w 6d 30m 27s 74ms
[12:10] KeeperX> that is what you can do with windows uptime, boys and girls.
Xkeeper> UPTIME - [1wk 6days 1hr 17mins 34secs]
Xkeeper> yeah, that was me a few minutes ago
<BlastProcessing> if he shows up again i'll be sure to greet him with SUPER SHADE THE NINJAHOG
<NoNameAtAll> I read that as Niggerhog just now.
<NoNameAtAll> :
<Vette_Z> NoNameAtAll: Rofl
<+GerbilSoft> you know who else was a niggerhog.
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<+GerbilSoft> FFFFFFFFFF
<+Sonic65> LOL
<NoNameAtAll> HAHAHA.
<NoNameAtAll> I read that as Niggerhog just now.
<NoNameAtAll> :
<Vette_Z> NoNameAtAll: Rofl
<+GerbilSoft> you know who else was a niggerhog.
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<+GerbilSoft> FFFFFFFFFF
<+Sonic65> LOL
<NoNameAtAll> HAHAHA.
<+GerbilSoft> A)bort, R)etry, F)ail?
<+Sik> F
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> speaking of general failure
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) Quit (Z-Lined: no)
<EnzoAquarius> Fail
<EnzoAquarius> Let me guess, virus download?
<Armada> purewin
<+Kradorex> "[18:29:51] <+GerbilSoft> General Failure
reading drive DATA. [18:29:56] <+GerbilSoft> A)bort, R)etry,
F)ail?" <-- somebody make a banner or fake screenshot out of that
<+Sik> You know
<&Tweaker> oh wow
<+GerbilSoft> ...i didn't even see a link there
<+Marc> o_O
<+Sik> I wonder if one of those downloads is going to be a virus
<&Tweaker> it's drx's ristar editor that was open source
<&Tweaker> rofl
<+GerbilSoft> .
<+GerbilSoft> FAIL
<+Sik> ...
<+Sik> C'mon
<+Marc> ha ha ha aha
<+Sik> ...
<IronSonic_> Haha, idiot.
<+Sik> F
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> speaking of general failure
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) Quit (Z-Lined: no)
<EnzoAquarius> Fail
<EnzoAquarius> Let me guess, virus download?
<Armada> purewin
<+Kradorex> "[18:29:51] <+GerbilSoft> General Failure
reading drive DATA. [18:29:56] <+GerbilSoft> A)bort, R)etry,
F)ail?" <-- somebody make a banner or fake screenshot out of that
<+Sik> You know
<&Tweaker> oh wow
<+GerbilSoft> ...i didn't even see a link there
<+Marc> o_O
<+Sik> I wonder if one of those downloads is going to be a virus
<&Tweaker> it's drx's ristar editor that was open source
<&Tweaker> rofl
<+GerbilSoft> .
<+GerbilSoft> FAIL
<+Sik> ...
<+Sik> C'mon
<+Marc> ha ha ha aha
<+Sik> ...
<IronSonic_> Haha, idiot.
<+Tongara> MagmaDragoon will never get laid
<MagmaDragoon> I will prove that statement soon Peter
<MagmaDragoon> wait
<MagmaDragoon> what
<MagmaDragoon> I mean I will prove it wrong
<BlastProcessing> someone QDB that
<MagmaDragoon> I will prove that statement soon Peter
<MagmaDragoon> wait
<MagmaDragoon> what
<MagmaDragoon> I mean I will prove it wrong
<BlastProcessing> someone QDB that
<NoNameAtAll> In before Sose gets kicked for nickname change abuse.
=-= Faggot is now known as TweakersRightNut
=-= Faggot is now known as TweakersRightNut
<MadEchidna> that's what she said
<oerglaptop> ahaha
<NoNameAtAll> Your mom said that?
<NoNameAtAll> o_O
<MadEchidna> wait, I just dissed myself
<MadEchidna> >_>;;
<GerbilSoft> FAIL
<NoNameAtAll> Jeez.
<oerglaptop> ahaha
<NoNameAtAll> Your mom said that?
<NoNameAtAll> o_O
<MadEchidna> wait, I just dissed myself
<MadEchidna> >_>;;
<GerbilSoft> FAIL
<NoNameAtAll> Jeez.
<andlabs> why is france different
<NoNameAtAll> Stupid Americans.
<NoNameAtAll> And Britfags.
<Lotsa16BT> Because they eat snails
* NoNameAtAll runs.
<Lotsa16BT> And frogs
<Lotsa16BT> And babies
<NoNameAtAll> And your mom.
<Lotsa16BT> And your dad
<NoNameAtAll> Shit.
<NoNameAtAll> SHIT.
<NoNameAtAll> My step-grandfather ate my dad before he died.
<NoNameAtAll> FUCK.
<Lotsa16BT> You have an interesting family.
<Ironfist> ...
<Ironfist> Kinky
<NoNameAtAll> Stupid Americans.
<NoNameAtAll> And Britfags.
<Lotsa16BT> Because they eat snails
* NoNameAtAll runs.
<Lotsa16BT> And frogs
<Lotsa16BT> And babies
<NoNameAtAll> And your mom.
<Lotsa16BT> And your dad
<NoNameAtAll> Shit.
<NoNameAtAll> SHIT.
<NoNameAtAll> My step-grandfather ate my dad before he died.
<NoNameAtAll> FUCK.
<Lotsa16BT> You have an interesting family.
<Ironfist> ...
<Ironfist> Kinky
<Kradorex> I want to stop feeling shitty >_>
<Varion|Cyb> Fap
<Varion|Cyb> >___>
<Kradorex> bleah
<djohe> fapping solves everything
<Varion|Cyb> It does
<Varion|Cyb> <__<
<Kradorex> *** Package Error in 'fap': dependancies: libgood-mood
<djohe> lol
<Tweaker> oh my god I want to rape you for that
<Tweaker> ...wait, that came out wrong.
<Sanky> o.O
<GregBFM> I don't think there's any way it could've come out right,
<GregBFM> but okay.
<Kradorex> rape me? why?
<Tweaker> Maybe because you're hooked into the matrix, maybe because of the bad joke
<Tweaker> I don't know; I don't care
<Kradorex> >_>
<SplashWoman> Tweaker, don't encourage them
<Tweaker> >_>
<Kradorex> SplashWoman: I'm not encoraged
<Varion|Cyb> Fap
<Varion|Cyb> >___>
<Kradorex> bleah
<djohe> fapping solves everything
<Varion|Cyb> It does
<Varion|Cyb> <__<
<Kradorex> *** Package Error in 'fap': dependancies: libgood-mood
<djohe> lol
<Tweaker> oh my god I want to rape you for that
<Tweaker> ...wait, that came out wrong.
<Sanky> o.O
<GregBFM> I don't think there's any way it could've come out right,
<GregBFM> but okay.
<Kradorex> rape me? why?
<Tweaker> Maybe because you're hooked into the matrix, maybe because of the bad joke
<Tweaker> I don't know; I don't care
<Kradorex> >_>
<SplashWoman> Tweaker, don't encourage them
<Tweaker> >_>
<Kradorex> SplashWoman: I'm not encoraged
* TheShad ( has joined #retro
<PC2> hello mommy
<Soselocke> I wish I didn't have so many fucking comics.
<PC2> how are you doing
<+Blanche> Good shower?
<PC2> Did you remember to get behind your ears
<PC2> Did you wash your hair
<Soselocke> It takes too long to look through every single one to
list them in a checklist and then find ones that are fucked up.
<+Blanche> I was imagining being in there with you ;)
<+Blanche> (Good LORD!)
<PC2> wow
<PC2> So this is what a Retro meet would be like
<PC2> hello mommy
<Soselocke> I wish I didn't have so many fucking comics.
<PC2> how are you doing
<+Blanche> Good shower?
<PC2> Did you remember to get behind your ears
<PC2> Did you wash your hair
<Soselocke> It takes too long to look through every single one to
list them in a checklist and then find ones that are fucked up.
<+Blanche> I was imagining being in there with you ;)
<+Blanche> (Good LORD!)
<PC2> wow
<PC2> So this is what a Retro meet would be like
-->| Sails ( has joined #Retro
<EnzoAquarius> Sails away!
<GerbilSoft> Tonic and Sails
-->| TonicBH ( has joined #Retro
=-= Mode #retro +v TonicBH by RetroServ
<EnzoAquarius> Sails away!
<GerbilSoft> Tonic and Sails
-->| TonicBH ( has joined #Retro
=-= Mode #retro +v TonicBH by RetroServ
|<-- GerbilSoft has left (Killed (Tweaker (Looks
like these guys need some.... *shades* punishment.
like these guys need some.... *shades* punishment.
<segaloco> ^Z EOF PLZ
* Tweaker has quit (EOF from client)
<segaloco> THX
* Tweaker has quit (EOF from client)
<segaloco> THX
<Gambit> hey tweaker, wanna fuck a little boy's ass
<Gambit> because it's the new big thing in japan
<Tweaker> so, so badly
<TonicBH> tweaker did I set off your magic shota highlight
<Tweaker> I MEAN
<Tweaker> WHAT
<Tweaker> NO
<andlabs> o_O
<Gambit> lol
<TonicBH> rofllllllllllll
<Tweaker> EWWWW
<Tweaker> YOU FUCK
<andlabs> everyone is confused
<SOTI> hahahaha
<Gambit> shotas confuse me sometimes
<andlabs> am I missing something
<Gambit> some of the fuckers look like girls
<Gambit> then it's all....wat
<Tweaker> yeah, I don't like when they look like girls
<andlabs> :/
<Tweaker> it kind of defeats the point
<andlabs> I am missing something here
<NikJam> little boys, little girls, same diff
<Gambit> for tweaker it's a pleaant surprise when he sees the dick, for me it's the opposite
<Gambit> because it's the new big thing in japan
<Tweaker> so, so badly
<TonicBH> tweaker did I set off your magic shota highlight
<Tweaker> I MEAN
<Tweaker> WHAT
<Tweaker> NO
<andlabs> o_O
<Gambit> lol
<TonicBH> rofllllllllllll
<Tweaker> EWWWW
<Tweaker> YOU FUCK
<andlabs> everyone is confused
<SOTI> hahahaha
<Gambit> shotas confuse me sometimes
<andlabs> am I missing something
<Gambit> some of the fuckers look like girls
<Gambit> then it's all....wat
<Tweaker> yeah, I don't like when they look like girls
<andlabs> :/
<Tweaker> it kind of defeats the point
<andlabs> I am missing something here
<NikJam> little boys, little girls, same diff
<Gambit> for tweaker it's a pleaant surprise when he sees the dick, for me it's the opposite
* GerbilSoft is now known as Rick_Astley
<EnzoAquarius> Oh wow :S
<TheShad> My first instinct was LOOK INTO THE STOVE
<TheShad> which I did
<MadEchidna> it flew around the room a couple times and then went through the wall
<Rick_Astley> 'nickserv group GerbilSoft ntb4uwj4wo213
<Rick_Astley> ...
<Rick_Astley> FUCK
<TheShad> I then turned off the stove
<segaloco> Rick_Astley, just give it up
<TheShad> okay,
<TheShad> LOL
<EnzoAquarius> Dare I ask if this was connected to a gas line or electricity?
<TheShad> good going, Gerbil
<EnzoAquarius> Rick_Astley: FAIL
<TheShad> better change your pass
<EnzoAquarius> QDB
<Rick_Astley> it's not letting me /nick back
* JJF ( has joined #retro
<Rick_Astley> ffffffffff
<EnzoAquarius> Oh wow :S
<TheShad> My first instinct was LOOK INTO THE STOVE
<TheShad> which I did
<MadEchidna> it flew around the room a couple times and then went through the wall
<Rick_Astley> 'nickserv group GerbilSoft ntb4uwj4wo213
<Rick_Astley> ...
<Rick_Astley> FUCK
<TheShad> I then turned off the stove
<segaloco> Rick_Astley, just give it up
<TheShad> okay,
<TheShad> LOL
<EnzoAquarius> Dare I ask if this was connected to a gas line or electricity?
<TheShad> good going, Gerbil
<EnzoAquarius> Rick_Astley: FAIL
<TheShad> better change your pass
<EnzoAquarius> QDB
<Rick_Astley> it's not letting me /nick back
* JJF ( has joined #retro
<Rick_Astley> ffffffffff
<EnzoAquarius> Now I feel like Burger King :S
<EnzoAquarius> Thanks to a commercial
<+GerbilSoft> where is your god now
*** Tweaker has joined #retro
<EnzoAquarius> Thanks to a commercial
<+GerbilSoft> where is your god now
*** Tweaker has joined #retro
<&Tweaker> you mention epsil10 and Sik gets all pissy and tells you to fuck off
<&Tweaker> and here we go!
<Tongara> sik?
<&Tweaker> err
<&Tweaker> Sik
<&Tweaker> LOL
<+Sonic65> Sik tells people to fuck off now?
<&Tweaker> WHAT
<Tongara> lmao
<+Sik> Er
<+Sonic65> ROFL
<+Sik> WTF
<&Tweaker> tab complete
<&Tweaker> SOTI
<+Sik> FAIL
<&Tweaker> and here we go!
<Tongara> sik?
<&Tweaker> err
<&Tweaker> Sik
<&Tweaker> LOL
<+Sonic65> Sik tells people to fuck off now?
<&Tweaker> WHAT
<Tongara> lmao
<+Sik> Er
<+Sonic65> ROFL
<+Sik> WTF
<&Tweaker> tab complete
<&Tweaker> SOTI
<+Sik> FAIL
<Tets> Anything can "kinda" emulate anything else.
-->| DavidTL ( has joined #Retro
<NoNameAtAll> BRB, making a rock emulate a PS3.
<djohe> good luck
<NoNameAtAll> ...Eh, screw that, I'll make the PS3 emulate a rock.
<NoNameAtAll> *Unplugs*
<djohe> lol
-->| DavidTL ( has joined #Retro
<NoNameAtAll> BRB, making a rock emulate a PS3.
<djohe> good luck
<NoNameAtAll> ...Eh, screw that, I'll make the PS3 emulate a rock.
<NoNameAtAll> *Unplugs*
<djohe> lol
<PC2> Do you think she will cosplay as a shy little schoolgirl for you and fulfill your fantasies or what
*** CyberKitsune [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
<Kate> oh, can't forget the red afro
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: sik ist pronounced az in seek, not az in sick.
<muteKi> See the funny thing is that I met a Mexican girl who watches anime with me, and she cosplays too
<andlabs> heh
<Lotsa16BT> spooky
<SplashWoman> Mexican
<SplashWoman> Girl
<SplashWoman> Cosplays
<SplashWoman> pick one
<Lotsa16BT> I'll take Girl for $500
<muteKi> hahahaha
*** CyberKitsune [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
<Kate> oh, can't forget the red afro
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: sik ist pronounced az in seek, not az in sick.
<muteKi> See the funny thing is that I met a Mexican girl who watches anime with me, and she cosplays too
<andlabs> heh
<Lotsa16BT> spooky
<SplashWoman> Mexican
<SplashWoman> Girl
<SplashWoman> Cosplays
<SplashWoman> pick one
<Lotsa16BT> I'll take Girl for $500
<muteKi> hahahaha
<RevivalV9001> No on a UNIX command line
<RevivalV9001> it sends
<RevivalV9001> a signal
<RevivalV9001> to close
<RevivalV9001> the program
* NeKit1000 (KVIrc@936965.92b54d.e5251d.5dfe6f) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<RevivalV9001> Also
<RevivalV9001> how can I
<RevivalV9001> by changing a client setting
<RevivalV9001> alter the way a server works
<RevivalV9001> unless
<RevivalV9001> someone added
<RevivalV9001> a backdoor method
<RevivalV9001> of altering a programs reponses
<RevivalV9001> which
<RevivalV9001> is highly
<RevivalV9001> unlikely
<Streetking> New website:
<+GerbilSoft> tip: the enter key should be used at the *end* of a sentence.
<RevivalV9001> no
<RevivalV9001> I will use it
<RevivalV9001> when I want
* RevivalV9001 was kicked by RetroServ (yes)
<RevivalV9001> it sends
<RevivalV9001> a signal
<RevivalV9001> to close
<RevivalV9001> the program
* NeKit1000 (KVIrc@936965.92b54d.e5251d.5dfe6f) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<RevivalV9001> Also
<RevivalV9001> how can I
<RevivalV9001> by changing a client setting
<RevivalV9001> alter the way a server works
<RevivalV9001> unless
<RevivalV9001> someone added
<RevivalV9001> a backdoor method
<RevivalV9001> of altering a programs reponses
<RevivalV9001> which
<RevivalV9001> is highly
<RevivalV9001> unlikely
<Streetking> New website:
<+GerbilSoft> tip: the enter key should be used at the *end* of a sentence.
<RevivalV9001> no
<RevivalV9001> I will use it
<RevivalV9001> when I want
* RevivalV9001 was kicked by RetroServ (yes)
<EnzoAquarius> This folks
<EnzoAquarius> Is a 9 mm
* EnzoAquarius aims it at GerbilSoft
* EnzoAquarius fires
* EnzoAquarius has been kicked from #retro by RetroServ (BANG)
* EnzoAquarius has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> you're doing it wrong
<segaloco> HAW
<EnzoAquarius> FUCK
<SOTI> ahahahhahaha
<EnzoAquarius> Is a 9 mm
* EnzoAquarius aims it at GerbilSoft
* EnzoAquarius fires
* EnzoAquarius has been kicked from #retro by RetroServ (BANG)
* EnzoAquarius has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> you're doing it wrong
<segaloco> HAW
<EnzoAquarius> FUCK
<SOTI> ahahahhahaha
<andlabs> SplashWoman:
<andlabs> > MadEchidna
<andlabs> > pussy
<EnzoAquarius> :O
<andlabs> > laughing_elf_man.jpg
<NoNameAtAll> Andlabs: Rick Astley can't die, because he can't give up on GerbilSoft.
<NoNameAtAll> :P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (steal my bit again and we'll see who laughs laugh)
<SplashWoman> shit
<SplashWoman> *laughs last
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<andlabs> also phrase fail
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: =P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (*laughs last)
<NoNameAtAll> lol.
|<-- ComadreMarcela has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<SplashWoman> <:3c
<andlabs> > MadEchidna
<andlabs> > pussy
<EnzoAquarius> :O
<andlabs> > laughing_elf_man.jpg
<NoNameAtAll> Andlabs: Rick Astley can't die, because he can't give up on GerbilSoft.
<NoNameAtAll> :P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (steal my bit again and we'll see who laughs laugh)
<SplashWoman> shit
<SplashWoman> *laughs last
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<andlabs> also phrase fail
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: =P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (*laughs last)
<NoNameAtAll> lol.
|<-- ComadreMarcela has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<SplashWoman> <:3c
<&Tweaker> we got hacked like twice and there's some hacking shit going on
<&Tweaker> so the usual, basically
<setz> damn really
<&Tweaker> lol yeah
<setz> that sucks
<setz> i blame xk
<setz> every forum i go to that he is a part of gets hacked
<&Tweaker> joke or not, he actually helped us a lot in restoring it
<setz> yeah he does that too
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 <&Tweaker> so the usual, basically
<setz> damn really
<&Tweaker> lol yeah
<setz> that sucks
<setz> i blame xk
<setz> every forum i go to that he is a part of gets hacked
<&Tweaker> joke or not, he actually helped us a lot in restoring it
<setz> yeah he does that too