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#63 (7
<muteKi> So I'm reading this book by Ken Jennings about his Jeopardy experience
<muteKi> It's been a great read
<muteKi> then
<muteKi> suddenly
<muteKi> he mentions that he's getting all sorts of strange attention
<muteKi> "Jennings/Trebek slash fiction"
<muteKi> WUT
<@Overlord> <muteKi> "Jennings/Trebek slash fiction"
<@Overlord> SUCK IT TREBEK
<@Overlord> SUCK IT LONG
<@Overlord> AND SUCK IT HARD
<Destructiox> lol
* @Overlord RUNS
<Destructiox> epic
<muteKi> Oh god
<muteKi> that
* Destructiox applauds OL
<muteKi> I can't breathe
<Destructiox> lol
<muteKi> amazing
<muteKi> that's the best response possible
#62 (11
<djohe> <+Dude> the sky is 00FF00 <---- Thats green
#61 (6
<+grap2> <+Umbreon> Pokemon Dating Sim
<+grap2> I've always wanted to fuck the police chick.
<ChrisHighwind> lol
<ChrisHighwind> Which one? They all look the same << >> <<
<+grap2> All of them.
<+Lotsa16BT> Would the pokemon date or the people from the cartoon
<@Overlord> Officer Jenny orgy? Sure
<ChrisHighwind> lol
<@Overlord> Though it might be a bit disconcerting
<+Umbreon> the limit as Jenny approaches infinity
<+Umbreon> =P
<@Overlord> Officer Jenny Orgy - It's pure Joyâ„¢
* @Overlord runs
<+TheLordShad> <grap2> I've always wanted to fuck the police chick.
<+TheLordShad> People date pokemon
<+TheLordShad> everyones a furry
<@Overlord> Shadow - there's a slight difference really
<@Overlord> Let's pretend for a second Pokemon was real
<@Overlord> What's more frowned on - fucking Jessie or fucking a Diglett
<@Overlord> =P
<+TheLordShad> Well.... Diglett has a very wonderful shape
<+Jennytablina> isnt Jessie like 19?
<+Jennytablina> nothing wrong with hitting that
<@Overlord> Shad - LOL
<+Jennytablina> pfft Diglett
<+Jennytablina> Dugtrios where the real pleasures at yo
<@Overlord> foursome!
<SGR> What the fuck is wrong with you people?
<@Overlord> LOL
#60 (-2
<@Overlord> LOL
<+GerbilSoft> gives a whole new meaning to "Blast Processing"
<@Overlord> So I have over 100 possible bomb detonators
<@Overlord> Sweet
<BlastProcessing> What happens if you use a S3&K cart?
<BlastProcessing> Double the explosion?
<+GerbilSoft> Al Qaeda Bomb Detonation
<+GerbilSoft> & Knuckles
<Ambil> ROFL
<@Overlord> hahahahahaha
#59 (3
<voice> can anyone guess my laptops name?
<Overlord> voice - hm
<SoNick> mobilesonic
<Overlord> =P
<voice> lol
<voice> you know, keep that up OL and I'll name my most unstable box sonic retro *runs*
#58 (6
<franz> saz I sent you a pm, to tell you that I've emailed you
<franz> the email links to a thread
<franz> the thread has a whisper in it
<franz> the whisper links to a file
<franz> the file is a .txt
<franz> the content is "ur gay"
<@Overlord> What is this, an episode of 24?
#57 (-8
<@Overlord> * dryahetzeph (blank@live.via.bowltenna)
<@Overlord> Interesting hostmask
<dryahetzeph> it's how I'm getting a wireless signal here
<dryahetzeph> It's your average bowl covered in aluminum foil with a wireless dongle taped to the inside of it
<@Overlord> Nice
<@Overlord> Who you leeching wireless off?
<dryahetzeph> some dude
<dryahetzeph> unsecured networks ftw
<@Overlord> Indeed
<@Overlord> Let me guess
<@Overlord> The SSID is Linksys
<dryahetzeph> This area was hit by Gustav, so some areas don't quite have intertubes fully yet
<dryahetzeph> and yes
<@Overlord> hahahahaha
<@Overlord> So predictable =P
#56 (16
<TheBarAdmin> knuckles steals monitors in: sonic the hedgehog 2
<DAGarden> TBA, would explain the lack of secret monitors without the lock-on
<@Overlord> LOL
#55 (-14
<Puto> <Donnyku> I wanted to start off saying your voice makes me cum (not really, but someone had to say it)
<Puto> ...
<GerbilSoft> (drums)
<GeneXM> hahahahaha
<Donnyku> XD
<DrZoidberg> Wait
<DrZoidberg> Ryan is a celebrity?
<Puto> you know who else made Donnyku cum?
<SOTI> <Soselocke> Sonic Oral Triad Incorporated
<SOTI> added
<Puto> that's right
<Puto> Hitler
<GerbilSoft> lol.
<SoNick> Haha.
<Soselocke> Donnykum
<Overlord> <Donnyku> I wanted to start off saying your voice makes me cum (not really, but someone had to say it)
<Overlord> At this point Drummond ran screaming from the IRC
<Donnyku> =P
<GerbilSoft> too bad there was no "that's what she said" response
<GerbilSoft> <_<
#54 (-6
<@Overlord> What would happen if Steve Ballmer was locked in a room with a chair that cannot be lifted?
#53 (-2
<+GerbilSoft> Not news: Woman arrested.
<+GerbilSoft> News: For breastfeeding.
<@Overlord> Oh god
<+GerbilSoft> Fark: At a bar while drinking alcohol.
<@Overlord> Gerbil
<@Overlord> I read that as
<@Overlord> <+GerbilSoft> Not news: Wolan arrested.
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<+GerbilSoft> >___>
<andlabs> GerbilSoft: lol
<%GeneOB> "<@Overlord> <+GerbilSoft> Not news: Wolan arrested."
<%GeneOB> Public indecency
<+Kradorex> "Wolan Arrested for public indecency due to a bloody arse"
<@Overlord> hahahahahaha
<@Overlord> Hivemind
#52 (13
<@Overlord> Mayans used to torture women by rubbing chillis on their vags
<VivaLaVida> Cool
<@Overlord> burning pain
<VivaLaVida> Owie
<W16BT> Mayans knew how to spice up their sex lives
<VivaLaVida> Yep
* @Overlord facepalm
<@Overlord> That was TERRIBLE
#51 (0
<+Chaos_Hedgie> * Chaos Hedgie is now known as Chris_Hansen
<+Chaos_Hedgie> <Chris_Hansen> Why don't you have a seat
<+Chaos_Hedgie> * Creeping_Shadow is now known as Massa_Hansen
<+Chaos_Hedgie> <Massa_Hansen> Why don't you have a lynching
<+Chaos_Hedgie> <Chris_Hansen> FUCK YOU
<+Chaos_Hedgie> Powned
<@Overlord> hahahahahahaha
<Bluecheese> well done
<+Chaos_Hedgie> Man I failed on that one you faggots
<Bluecheese> yeah you did
#50 (-1
<+alexis-l> Let's see, one time some guy banned me from an IRC
channel, and his domain was all over the topic and everything, and he
put his real address in the whois info.. and he wasn't that far from me,
so i went to his house and knocked on his door.
<&Tweaker> alexis
<&Tweaker> did I ever mention I love you
<+alexis-l> so anyway he comes townstairs and he's this nerd and hes in his boxers
<+alexis-l> and hes like "can i help you?"
<+alexis-l> and im like "yeah you fucking banned me from #whateveritwas"
<+alexis-l> hes like "what"
<+alexis-l> im like "i'm alexis. you banned me on efnet"
<+alexis-l> he didn't have anything to say to that
<&Tweaker> <3
<@Overlord> ahahahahahahahahahaha
<+Rolken> did he do you in the pooper
<+alexis-l> he was like "ohh.. well"
<+alexis-l> im like "yeah.. i tried to msg you and you ignored me"
<+alexis-l> hes like "well what should we do"
<+alexis-l> im like "what do you think?"
<+alexis-l> then hes all like "im sorry theres a lot of trolls"
<+alexis-l> blah blah
<+alexis-l> and im like
<+Rolken> sounds like a douche
<+alexis-l> "you don't need to apologize to me"
<Soselocke> Super Russian Boxer Man
<+alexis-l> "but you might wanna get a story together for the
people that are gonna be showing up here in a few minutes to kick your
<+alexis-l> and then i left
<+alexis-l> needless to say when i got home i was unbanned.
<+Rolken> lol
<@Overlord> That fucking wins
#49 (5
<@Overlord> Tweaker and the Shade
<@Overlord> Yes Tweaker and The Shade
<@Overlord> One is an admin
<@Overlord> And the other's.......
<@Overlord> ......the Shade
<@Overlord> *shot*
<HeranBlack> "What are we going to do tonight Tweaker?" "Same thing we do every night shade, set mode +b"
<Supakitsune> <HeranBlack> "What are we going to do tonight
Tweaker?" "Same thing we do every night shade, set mode +b" <-- the
=Pinky and the Brain?
<@Overlord> LMAO
#48 (1
<Overlord> Oh god some of these alt addresses on this whois list are awesome
<GeneOB> I love how the witch leaves hair pins when she runs
<Overlord> Register $9.88
<Overlord> Register $9.88
<Overlord> Register $9.88
<Overlord> Register $9.88
<Overlord> Register $9.88
<Overlord> Oh Hedgie
<Overlord> Register $9.88
-->| DavidTL ( has joined #retro
<Overlord> The World of Wangus
<Guess_Who> <Overlord> Register $9.88
<Guess_Who> My favorite
<SeanieB> hows about
=-= Mode #retro +v DavidTL by RetroServ
<SOTI> what the hell
<SOTI> The Leading Meat Site on the Net
<Guess_Who> Oh dear
<Overlord> and .net are taken
<Overlord> .org .biz and .us are available
<Overlord> I just thought of that
<--| iojnekns has left #retro
<JakeyBoy> I dunno what you are talking about, but go for .biz.
<Overlord> Sadfly taken
<Overlord> *Sadly
<Tweaker> - the leading meat site on the net
<Oerg866_> Right, so, how would I go with making a download portal on my site
<SOTI> Oh well
<Overlord> Oh got the list here is even better
<SeanieB> for the win
<Overlord> But the pinnacle of this list?
<SOTI> ahah
<Overlord> You too can have the aroma of semen
#47 (14
<EnzoAquarius> ScarredSun: What's your puzzle again?
<Sik> >_>'
<TheShad> SS: I'd like to buy an R
<Sik> <_<'
<ScarredSun> No R
<EnzoAquarius> S
<Toekutr> No U
<GerbilSoft> T
<NoNameAtAll> T.
<MorphTH> P
<EnzoAquarius> L :P
<ScarredSun> _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<Sik> What's the line sequence?
<EnzoAquarius> ASSCAKES
<Sik> SS: E
<Toekutr> H
<Sik> fffffffff
<Zero7> slut
<ScarredSun> _ _ E _ S E _ _ _ _ E _ E
<Sik> M
<EnzoAquarius> I
<Sik> ...
<Sik> Fuck that
<Sik> SS: M
<ScarredSun> _ _ E _ S E _ _ _ _ E ME
<EnzoAquarius> What the hell is S_HIT? :P
<GerbilSoft> ...
<TheShad> Cheese
<NoNameAtAll> I get it.
<EnzoAquarius> Backwards :P
<TheShad> first word is cheese?
<GerbilSoft> N
<Zero7> waste of time
<Zero7> I win
<GeneOB> yay
<GerbilSoft> :P
<EnzoAquarius> Cheese is a meme
<EnzoAquarius> :P
<Sik> D:
<Sik> Oh well
<ScarredSun> _ _ E _ S E _ _ _ N E M E
<TheShad> wait
* RetroServ sets mode: +h GeneOB
<EnzoAquarius> H
<Sik> If that's what SS was, my turn
<TheShad> its not cheese
<Sik> Oh
<TheShad> *punches self*
<Toekutr> NO
<TheShad> Sik: It wasn't
<EnzoAquarius> ScarredSun: Damn that's hard :S
<GerbilSoft> L
<Sik> First word is PLEASE
<TheShad> ...
<TheShad> Please Zline Me
<GerbilSoft> LOL
<Zero7> lol
<EnzoAquarius> XD
<GeneOB> LOL
<snkenjoi> lol'd
* TheShad ( Quit (Z-Lined: OK!)
<GeneOB> hahahahaha
<EnzoAquarius> PWNT!
<Zero7> oh lol
<Sik> Pwn'd
<EnzoAquarius> QDB!
<Tweaker> Courtney
<Tweaker> I fucking love you
#46 (3
<Quickman> Crush 40 songs are okay until the instrument starts emitting sound.
#45 (7
<+GerbilSoft> the earth is flat
<+GerbilSoft> like your MOTHER
<%SoNick> Now that's just nonsense, Gerbil.
<+GerbilSoft> oh SNAP
<%SoNick> Everyone knows the Earth is round.
<+GerbilSoft> oh well in that case
<+GerbilSoft> the comparison stands!
<+GerbilSoft> ZING
<EnzoAquarius> LOL
<%SoNick> Ha, I walked into that one.
#44 (5
<Cooljerk> holy fuck
<Cooljerk> I drove for 5 hours straight
<Cooljerk> I'm so exhausted
<Tweaker> that's nothing
<Tweaker> me and my brother drove 20 hours straight from New York to Florida
<Tweaker> you're a pussy
<AbSeNNt> that's nothing. we drove for 40 hours from ontario to las vegas
<AbSeNNt> you're a pussy
<Aquaslash> wow
<Tweaker> that's nothing. You're SNN
<Tweaker> you're a pussy
<Aquaslash> about time there was an abundance of pussy in this channel
#43 (4
<A_Yoshi> <+Spexfox> I'd fuck Chip but he'd constantly be
giving me tips on how to do the basics. It'd be far too annoying.
#42 (10
<Shade> playing with Super Sonic is like playing with girls
<Shade> you go out and give them all these rare gems
<Shade> then they suck up your money and leave you dry
#41 (-2
<Sakura> There are white niggers.
<Sazpaimon> NOT AN FSAY
<Cryomancer> what the FUCK
<Sakura> Niggers are basically dirty people who play music loud
enough in a car going down the road to break peoples' windows and they
smoke pot.
<Tweaker> HOLY SHIT
<Tweaker> HOLY SHIT
<Sakura> Believe me, I've run across white niggers before. >.>
#40 (-8
[17:49:23] * dothackzero has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:49:23] * Tweaker|PSP has quit (Client exited)
[17:49:23] * dothackzero has joined #s2beta
[17:49:23] * Tweaker|PSP has joined #s2beta
<Guess_Who> I THINK NOT
#39 (0
<Gunner112k> psp + homebrew is godly
<@Shade> yes gunner
<Gunner112k> psp - homebrew is no
<Gunner112k> playing snes and genesis games anywhere is awesome
<%JJFTails> I made a couple of homebrews for psp
<%JJFTails> And they got on the site =P
<%JJFTails> I made stepmania for psp
<@Shade> I made Niggermania for the PSP
<RMC> lol
<@Shade> owait that is already a game: GTA San Andreas OOOOSNAPS
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