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#313 (6
--> You are now talking on #retro
--> Marc ( has joined #retro
--- RetroServ gives voice to Marc
<ScrewCrusher> god, I'm such a cockaholic
<ScrewCrusher> *chocaholic
<Marc> ..
<ScrewCrusher> ...ffff #retro
<Marc> that is the best typo to enter with ever
#312 (-16
<Overlord> <TheGreen1>
<Overlord> Azingo?
<NoNameAtAll> Bazinga
<Overlord> My first thought is "Bazinga"
<Overlord> LOL
#311 (6
<Tealer> Did you hear the price of lamb in Wales has just gone up?
<Tealer> It's now �4.95 per hour.
<NoNameAtAll> Mareep is a slut to all Wailords.
<NoNameAtAll> Confirmed
<GARY_M_9> so is Skitty
<FrozenNitrogen> ALL Wailords?
<NoNameAtAll> ALL
<FrozenNitrogen> Even the ones of similar gender?
<NoNameAtAll> Those would be Wailadies
<NoNameAtAll> :V
<FrozenNitrogen> I c wot u did thar
<SealClubber> Wailass
<SealClubber> ...
<SealClubber> wait
<SealClubber> NO
<SealClubber> that sounded better in my head
<NoNameAtAll> SealClubber: It's been said.
<NoNameAtAll> Too late.
<SealClubber> to the QDB
#310 (1
<Overlord> He went on a trip to Poland once
<Overlord> Stayed in some hotel
<Overlord> The sinks didn't even have running water
<NoNameAtAll> Overlord: Clogged due to Mad's shit
<Overlord> NoNameAtAll - LOL
#309 (6
<ChrisHighwind> <ChrisHighwind> Let me rephrase that
<ChrisHighwind> <ChrisHighwind> I'm never able to get consoles on or around launch
<ChrisHighwind> <ChrisHighwind> Always when they're near the end of their lifespans, or never at all
<ChrisHighwind> <ChrisHighwind> Sometimes I'll be unlucky and get them when they're already dead.
<ChrisHighwind> ...*phew* no flood-kick
=-= ChrisHighwind was booted from #Retro by RetroServ (Stop flooding!)
-->| ChrisHighwind ( has joined #Retro
#308 (2
<NoNameAtAll> Winston Churchill
<NoNameAtAll> TOP
<+GaryFuckingOak> wrong
<+GaryFuckingOak> Winston Churchill
<+GaryFuckingOak> TOP
<+GaryFuckingOak> FUCKING
<+GaryFuckingOak> HAT
#307 (20
* Tealer gives Pliskin a McRib
<GerbilSoft> Tealer: fff don't do that
<NoNameAtAll> That said, I'm not gonna get in the middle of this.
<GerbilSoft> he'll throw a shitstorm
<Pliskin> hahaha
<Overlord> Must we SINK to this level
#306 (16
<NoNameAtAll> I don't think I'll ever understand Nintendo's need to measure memory as cocks.
<NoNameAtAll> Wait...fuck
<NoNameAtAll> FUCK
<NoNameAtAll> *Blocks
<ChrisHighwind> OH MY GOD LMAO
<NoNameAtAll> Goddammit.
#305 (0
<NoNameAtAll> <BBHood> one of my friends has almost become a female GerbilSoft
<AamirM> BBHood, almost?
<AamirM> finally GerbilSoft can get laid
<segaloco> not as much as exodus, but yeah
<BBHood> she's not used a meme yet
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<BBHood> ...
<BBHood> LOL
 AamirM runs
#304 (4
<GerbilSoft> "Nazi doctors' documents found in attic"
<GerbilSoft> the documents were food coupons <_<
<NoNameAtAll> Coupons for Hitler pizza?
<Gambit> LOL
<GerbilSoft> fffffff
<GerbilSoft> EIN BASE
<GerbilSoft> EIN TOPPING
<GerbilSoft> EIN COUPON
#303 (-12
<SOTI> then one day, they'll build this:
<Overlord> That Death Egg is wrongly rendered
* Overlord runs
#302 (4
<Katelynn> aww that's as long as I can get it :(
<nineko> That's what she said
#301 (2
<@BBHood> )as if my font is white
<@BBHood> it's aquamarine
<@BBHood> therefore
<@BBHood> I win
*** BBHood has quit IRC (Killed (Xkeeper ()unfortunate bypasses)))
#300 (14
<Xkeeper> <AwesomeDem> Looks like the Republican stalling plan...
<Xkeeper> <AwesomeDem> Just got death paneled.
* Xkeeper left the chat room. (Killed (RevyaOut (*** THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY KILLBANNING SYSTEM ***)))
#299 (18
<SGR> Putting "Tweaker" was redundant btw.
<SGR> Hitler's already in there.
<segaloco> LOL
<Gen> why not substitute tweaker with tantrum instead
* Gen has quit (Killed (Xkeeper (108)))
#298 (2
<Spexfox> Hey >w0 Bad Tweaker *pushes the hose in your maw an wraps it in tape*
<Spexfox> *and
<Erexfox> tape
<Erexfox> ducttape
* Tweaker mumbles and flails his arms
<Erexfox> wacky arm fllailing inflatable TWEAKER
#297 (12
<+MadEchidna|> now that I think about it, how fishy that
Quickman returns and Qjimbo starts getting active again _this month_
<+MadEchidna|> :|
<+Quickman> I was active last month :(
<SlushBox> srs
<+Qjimbo> well that part is obvious
<@Overlord> ....which is why.... Jimbo moved away to Canada...
<@Overlord> OK, my theory has some holes in
<@Overlord> Maybe Quickman is planning to follow
<+Katelynn> Quickman secretly lives in Canada
<@Overlord> Jim's the scout party
<+MadEchidna|> THAN IT'S LEGAL!111
<JakeyBoy> your theory has the quality of a fanfic
<+Katelynn> but he uses a british proxy
<@Overlord> <+Katelynn> Quickman secretly lives in Canada
<@Overlord> <+Katelynn> but he uses a british proxy
<@Overlord> =O
<+Quickman> quickman and qjimbo's affair, by Overlord
<@Overlord> hahahaha
<+Qjimbo> now thats fanfiction worth reading
<@Overlord> Both nicks begin with a Q
<+Qjimbo> too great men
<@Overlord> QED
<+Qjimbo> in passion
<JakeyBoy> Overotica.
<NoNameAtAll> *Takes Qjimbo's tea* *Time Stopper on Quickman* You're both at fault.
<NoNameAtAll> *Runs*
<%Nik> <@Overlord> Jim's the scout party <-- Glowing Canada coup!
<@Overlord> hahahahahaha
<+Quickman> Quickman discharged a burst of steam from his lateral
exhaust vents as Qjimbo drew closer, wrapping his arms around him. "Oh
Quickman" said Qjimbo "We have failed in our devious plot to steal
Retro, now we must elope to Canada"
<+Qjimbo> hahahaha
<+TheShad> hahahaha
#296 (2
<&GerbilSoft> hitler pizza
<&GerbilSoft> the only choice for the aryan race
<@Overlord> EIN BASE
<@Overlord> EIN TOPPING
<@Overlord> EIN PRICE
<%KatzuNiku> LOL
#295 (9
<GerbilSoft> did you know that the graham cracker was invented to be boring in order to curb sexual desire
<andlabs> XD
<Katelynn> just like table-top covers were designed to stop men from raping their tables
<Katelynn> as bizarre as it sounds, I kid you not
<Katelynn> table rape was a serious problem in the 1800s
<GerbilSoft> what.
<andlabs> fetish alert
<GerbilSoft> citation needed
<Katelynn> I remember seeing that on the history channel
<andlabs> don't alert miyuki-chan
<Katelynn> where they'd compare a woman's bare leg to a table leg,
and they made "table skirts" (aka table covers) to prevent men from
getting rowdy with their tables
<Katelynn> and that is how you kill #retro
<FrozenNitrogen> Presumably everyone's gone to more closely "inspect" their tables
<FrozenNitrogen> I know I did.
<andlabs> ...
<FrozenNitrogen> Sadly its legs are ushapely steel tubing
<FrozenNitrogen> *unshapely
#294 (3
<jman2050> "Mommy, what were you doing when I was born?"
<Lobotomy> she was an accident
<Katelynn> I just have to wait until she's not stuck in the hospital until next week
<jman2050> "I was on an internet chat room talking about Sonic games and programming honey"
<MathUser2929> so katelynn, how does it feel to be a milf?
<djohe> >_>
<Tweaker> ROFL
<Katelynn> I didn't know I was doing that nearly 12 hours ago
<Lobotomy> oh god damnit
#293 (-2
<@GerbilSoft> also :O
<@GerbilSoft> this is week 10 of the winter term
<@GerbilSoft> which means only three weeks of work left
<@GerbilSoft> then i go back to classes
<+Snappo> >Gerbilsoft
<+Snappo> >do anything besides talk on IRC
<+andlabs> wait how is your year divided
<@GerbilSoft> quarters
<@GerbilSoft> >Snappo
<+andlabs> oh ok
<@GerbilSoft> >Not getting kicked by GerbilSoft
<+Snappo> XD
* Snappo was kicked from the chat room by RetroServ. (>laughing_gerbil_man.jpg)
<+andlabs> ...
<@Overlord> hahahahahah
<+andlabs> pwned
#292 (5
<QJanebo> If someone bought me a Genesis I'd think they're fucking crazy too. Has nothing to do with Jew factor.
<MadEchidna> wut
<MadEchidna> I got it at the thrift store for like $10
<QJanebo> That's like the shittiest way to hit on someone ever
<NoNameAtAll> Jew rang?
<JakeyBoy> :3
<MadEchidna> I wasn't trying to hit on her
<MadEchidna> we were friends for a long time
<Katelynn> it's obvious
<MadEchidna> she said something about likeing old school sonic games so when I saw it at the good will I got it for her
<MadEchidna> I don't see anything wrong with that
<Katelynn> she's too busy playing dynamite and heady to talk to you anymore
<GerbilSoft> QJanebo: well if they're jewish, they'd also expect an exodus, a leviticus, ...
* GerbilSoft run
#291 (-10
<GerbilSoft> " Hebrew speakers “zune” can be pronounced in a way that translates as the F-word"
<GerbilSoft> LOL
<NoNameAtAll> Zune you Gerbil.
<GerbilSoft> remember 12/31/2008?
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<GerbilSoft> Tweaker got royally Zuned.
<NoNameAtAll> New meme, Gerbil?
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<GerbilSoft> =P
#290 (14
<+GerbilSoft> you may have won the battle
<+GerbilSoft> but you lost the game
* +GerbilSoft Quit (Killed (Xkeeper (THE GAME OVER, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)))
* GerbilSoft has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> totally not predictable
* +GerbilSoft Quit (Killed (Tina2 (SPONTANEOUS)))
* GerbilSoft has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> totally not predictable reply to "totally not predictable"
<+GerbilSoft> in before another kill or fakequit
<+GerbilSoft> ..
* GerbilSoft is now known as Dickhead
#289 (1
<GerbilSoft> TRIVIA: what's the difference between roxtop and kicks?
<Katelynn> in b4 retarded kick reason
* RetroServ has kicked roxtop from #retro (kicks are funny! :D)
<GerbilSoft> <_<
<Katelynn> yep, knew it
* CyberKitsune hi3 Katelynn
<CyberKitsune> hi5*
<Katelynn> get your dirty paw away from me
<GerbilSoft> pawned
<CyberKitsune> I just washed it :<
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