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#101 (12
<Krisp> I think I'm going to try to burn some Sega CD games today
<Krisp> I just need to buy some CDs
-->| SOTI (SOTI@sonic.on.the.internet) has joined #Retro
<Krisp> I can't imagine it's that hard
<Krisp> I burned some Dreamcast games once
<J-Guest_01> why some of them are good
#102 (-1
<CyberKitsune> I had sex with Spexfox, and I liked it!
<SOTI> lol furfag
<Tweaker> fsg
<Tweaker> fag
<GerbilSoft> FSG
<Comma_Doo> Tweaker.
<GerbilSoft> like the PSG in the genesis
<Comma_Doo> TWEAKER
<Comma_Doo> HEY HEY
<Comma_Doo> TWEAKER
<GerbilSoft> it's the Faggy Sound Generator
<Sonic65> that FUCKING Sound Generator
<Tweaker> yes
<Sonic65> I HATE it
<Sik> XD
#103 (5
<Tongara> Looks like Tweaker...
* Tongara shades
<Tongara> ...Just lost the game
<GerbilSoft> rsnapshot'ing retro!
<Tongara> Good response
|<-- Tongara has left (Killed (Tweaker
<GerbilSoft> LOL
<NoNameAtAll> ROFL.
#104 (-1
<Tweaker> <Sik> GSSZ is becoming like TSSZ ohnoes
<Tweaker> <NoNameAtAll> Nah, it's funnier.
<Tweaker> <NikJam> (bust)
<Tweaker> why did I laugh so hard
#105 (8
<SOTI> GerbilSoft is going to his jewmobile
<segaloco> Jewmobile(C) is Copyright Caruso Hansen Motors 9001 TheGame Drive.
<segaloco> Caruso Hansen motors is a subsidiary of Rick Astley Productions.
<@Overlord> Caruso Hansen
<@Overlord> Man
<@Overlord> I can see that now
<@Overlord> Scene - the side of a road
<@Overlord> Flunky: "Well, the car's here, but all the chairs are missing!"
<@Overlord> Caruso Hansen: "Looks like he just needed...
* @Overlord shades
<@Overlord> take a seat"
#106 (1
<&GerbilSoft> "On their first official date in 1989, Barack
Obama and his future wife Michelle went to see what movie?"
<&GerbilSoft> driving miss daisy, glory, when harry met sally, do the right thing
<@Overlord> BOSS NIGGER
* @Overlord runs
<&GerbilSoft> LOL
<SOTI> ahahahhahahaha
#107 (2
<ComadreMarcela> anal sex
<ComadreMarcela> it always hurts the first time
<Puto> ComadreMarcela: XD
<Puto> anal sex in VHS quality
<MUser> you can experience VHS quality in real life. Just smear crisco on your glasses or contact lenses
<Tweaker> ROFL
#108 (11
<Tweaker> been there, done that
<Huey_Lewis> Fuck you, I'm Huey Lewis
<Tweaker> XD
#109 (-8
-->| jokesarefunny ( has joined #Retro
<jokesarefunny> Hey guys!!!
<jokesarefunny> Q: What do you call a poorly-constructed rip-off of a Green Hill Zone badnik?
<jokesarefunny> A: Imitation crabmeat!!!!!!!!! AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHA!
<--| jokesarefunny has left #Retro
#110 (19
<GerbilSoft> BREAKING NEWS from GSSZ News
<GerbilSoft> Tails is a girl
<GerbilSoft> more on this as she develops
#111 (24
<NoNameAtAll> From the Trashed topic, taking into account the
filter: "DURR HURR I'M FUCKING RETARDED is New Zealander slang for
#112 (3
<Puto> ScarredSun
<Puto> I have a picture of the head of sega of finland
* Tweaker ( has joined #retro
<Tweaker> okay, that was gay
#113 (-2
<+Marc> [Cinossu Poll Script v2.5]-[Times Up! Poll Ended!]
<+Marc> [For the poll: Do you like Slingers? - The results are:]
<+Marc> A - Yes: 1
<+Marc> B - No: 19
#114 (-1
<&Tweaker> we got hacked like twice and there's some hacking shit going on
<&Tweaker> so the usual, basically
<setz> damn really
<&Tweaker> lol yeah
<setz> that sucks
<setz> i blame xk
<setz> every forum i go to that he is a part of gets hacked
<&Tweaker> joke or not, he actually helped us a lot in restoring it
<setz> yeah he does that too
#115 (11
<andlabs> SplashWoman:
<andlabs> > MadEchidna
<andlabs> > pussy
<EnzoAquarius> :O
<andlabs> > laughing_elf_man.jpg
<NoNameAtAll> Andlabs: Rick Astley can't die, because he can't give up on GerbilSoft.
<NoNameAtAll> :P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (steal my bit again and we'll see who laughs laugh)
<SplashWoman> shit
<SplashWoman> *laughs last
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<andlabs> also phrase fail
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: =P
=-= andlabs was booted from #Retro by SplashWoman (*laughs last)
<NoNameAtAll> lol.
|<-- ComadreMarcela has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
-->| andlabs ( has joined #Retro
<SplashWoman> <:3c
#116 (14
<EnzoAquarius> This folks
<EnzoAquarius> Is a 9 mm
* EnzoAquarius aims it at GerbilSoft
* EnzoAquarius fires
* EnzoAquarius has been kicked from #retro by RetroServ (BANG)
* EnzoAquarius has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> you're doing it wrong
<segaloco> HAW
<EnzoAquarius> FUCK
<SOTI> ahahahhahaha
#117 (3
<RevivalV9001> No on a UNIX command line
<RevivalV9001> it sends
<RevivalV9001> a signal
<RevivalV9001> to close
<RevivalV9001> the program
* NeKit1000 (KVIrc@936965.92b54d.e5251d.5dfe6f) Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<RevivalV9001> Also
<RevivalV9001> how can I
<RevivalV9001> by changing a client setting
<RevivalV9001> alter the way a server works
<RevivalV9001> unless
<RevivalV9001> someone added
<RevivalV9001> a backdoor method
<RevivalV9001> of altering a programs reponses
<RevivalV9001> which
<RevivalV9001> is highly
<RevivalV9001> unlikely
<Streetking> New website:
<+GerbilSoft> tip: the enter key should be used at the *end* of a sentence.
<RevivalV9001> no
<RevivalV9001> I will use it
<RevivalV9001> when I want
* RevivalV9001 was kicked by RetroServ (yes)
#118 (2
<PC2> Do you think she will cosplay as a shy little schoolgirl for you and fulfill your fantasies or what
*** CyberKitsune [] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
<Kate> oh, can't forget the red afro
<andlabs> NoNameAtAll: sik ist pronounced az in seek, not az in sick.
<muteKi> See the funny thing is that I met a Mexican girl who watches anime with me, and she cosplays too
<andlabs> heh
<Lotsa16BT> spooky
<SplashWoman> Mexican
<SplashWoman> Girl
<SplashWoman> Cosplays
<SplashWoman> pick one
<Lotsa16BT> I'll take Girl for $500
<muteKi> hahahaha
#119 (3
<Tets> Anything can "kinda" emulate anything else.
-->| DavidTL ( has joined #Retro
<NoNameAtAll> BRB, making a rock emulate a PS3.
<djohe> good luck
<NoNameAtAll> ...Eh, screw that, I'll make the PS3 emulate a rock.
<NoNameAtAll> *Unplugs*
<djohe> lol
#120 (8
<&Tweaker> you mention epsil10 and Sik gets all pissy and tells you to fuck off
<&Tweaker> and here we go!
<Tongara> sik?
<&Tweaker> err
<&Tweaker> Sik
<&Tweaker> LOL
<+Sonic65> Sik tells people to fuck off now?
<&Tweaker> WHAT
<Tongara> lmao
<+Sik> Er
<+Sonic65> ROFL
<+Sik> WTF
<&Tweaker> tab complete
<&Tweaker> SOTI
<+Sik> FAIL
#121 (3
<EnzoAquarius> Now I feel like Burger King :S
<EnzoAquarius> Thanks to a commercial
<+GerbilSoft> where is your god now
*** Tweaker has joined #retro
#122 (0
* GerbilSoft is now known as Rick_Astley
<EnzoAquarius> Oh wow :S
<TheShad> My first instinct was LOOK INTO THE STOVE
<TheShad> which I did
<MadEchidna> it flew around the room a couple times and then went through the wall
<Rick_Astley> 'nickserv group GerbilSoft ntb4uwj4wo213
<Rick_Astley> ...
<Rick_Astley> FUCK
<TheShad> I then turned off the stove
<segaloco> Rick_Astley, just give it up
<TheShad> okay,
<TheShad> LOL
<EnzoAquarius> Dare I ask if this was connected to a gas line or electricity?
<TheShad> good going, Gerbil
<EnzoAquarius> Rick_Astley: FAIL
<TheShad> better change your pass
<EnzoAquarius> QDB
<Rick_Astley> it's not letting me /nick back
* JJF ( has joined #retro
<Rick_Astley> ffffffffff
#123 (-4
<Gambit> hey tweaker, wanna fuck a little boy's ass
<Gambit> because it's the new big thing in japan
<Tweaker> so, so badly
<TonicBH> tweaker did I set off your magic shota highlight
<Tweaker> I MEAN
<Tweaker> WHAT
<Tweaker> NO
<andlabs> o_O
<Gambit> lol
<TonicBH> rofllllllllllll
<Tweaker> EWWWW
<Tweaker> YOU FUCK
<andlabs> everyone is confused
<SOTI> hahahaha
<Gambit> shotas confuse me sometimes
<andlabs> am I missing something
<Gambit> some of the fuckers look like girls
<Gambit> then it's all....wat
<Tweaker> yeah, I don't like when they look like girls
<andlabs> :/
<Tweaker> it kind of defeats the point
<andlabs> I am missing something here
<NikJam> little boys, little girls, same diff
<Gambit> for tweaker it's a pleaant surprise when he sees the dick, for me it's the opposite
#124 (-4
<segaloco> ^Z EOF PLZ
* Tweaker has quit (EOF from client)
<segaloco> THX
#125 (-16
|<-- GerbilSoft has left (Killed (Tweaker (Looks
like these guys need some.... *shades* punishment.
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