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#426 (-6
<PolygonJim> my mom just asked if I would wipe her ass because she needs to take a shit and she just painted her nails
#427 (-3
<Spanner> uh
<Spanner> what's that winamp plugin which accepts a lot of shit?
<Spanner> vgmplayer or something
<GerbilSoft> in_toilet?
<djohe> lol
<djohe> ahahaha
#428 (-2
<Caitlin> so why do these people keep getting zlined anyways
<arsenicCatnip> isn't xkeeper like one of the network admins
<XkeeperLaptop> certain words are zline triggers
<Caitlin> oh, ha
<XkeeperLaptop> mostly from back when we had those fun bot floods
<arsenicCatnip> oh okay
<arsenicCatnip> that makes sense
* GeneOB ( has joined #retro
<Caitlin> WE ARE THE ANONY-stop right there, Caitlin
Closing link: (Kip@defrosted.tuna.guild) [Z-Lined: ]
* Disconnected
#429 (-15
<@GerbilSoft> !calc in a correct format
<@GLaDOS> FormatException in mscorlib: Input string was not in a correct format.
<@GerbilSoft> YES IT WAS
#430 (1
* Demi-God ( has joined #retro
* RAMPKORV ( has joined #retro
<Demi-God> Hello?
<RAMPKORV> Hello. You need more anal sex.
<Demi-God> Whaaaaat
<Demi-God> Not really.
#431 (-1
* Lobotomy ( has joined #retro
<Lobotomy> am
<Lobotomy> I
<Lobotomy> I am*
<Lobotomy> SO
<Lobotomy> fucking baked
<Lobotomy> I'm like sitting here derped the fuck out
* Lobotomy ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
#432 (3
<Overlord> Anyway
<Overlord> I'm knackered
<Overlord> Bed for OL
<Overlord> Night all
<MathUser2929> goodnight Rod Lover
<SoNick> 'night OL
<PolygonJim> bai OL
* Overlord has quit (Quit: zzz)
<MathUser2929> lol, didn't get kicked for that.
* Overlord (ctci44@overlord.kicks.ass) has joined #retro
* RetroServ gives channel operator status to Overlord
<Overlord> Actually
<Spanner> hahaha
* Overlord has kicked MathUser2929 from #retro (PAV-FUCKING-LOV)
* MathUser2929 (chatzilla@2da5a4.2b90f6.42bfee.5ae116) has joined #retro
<PolygonJim> I'm pleased
<Overlord> NOW I can go to bed
<Overlord> :)
<Caitlin> you should have attached a ban to that Overlord
<SoNick> you forgot the +b
* Overlord has quit (Quit: zzz)
#433 (-3
<Spanner> and now segaloco enlarged his penis
<Spanner> with a disassembly
<segaloco> :p
<segaloco> actually, i hopefully enlarged mercury's
<segaloco> heck, if he's interested in disassembling mmds
<segaloco> he can help me :p
<Freeza> so I'm going to dissasemble Sonic Blast and get techied
<Freeza> won't that be cool
<segaloco> Freeza: that would be cool actually
<segaloco> i mean, its a shit game
<Stocking> Freeza> so I'm going to dissasemble Sonic Blast and get techied <--- so we can make it not suck
<segaloco> but hey, so is sonic genesis and people....nevermind
<Stocking> I'd like to disassemble labyrinth
<segaloco> that was a rewrite
* segaloco runs
<Freeza> Jesus Christ guys, do you guys even know what SARCASM is
<nineko> Disassemble Toy Story's MOD player
<GerbilSoft> Freeza: okay, do you know how to read 68000 code
<Stocking> or better yet... Sonic Triple Trouble
<nineko> Freeza sarc.asm?
<Stocking> <Freeza> Jesus Christ guys, do you guys even know what SARCASM is <--- we do
<Freeza> okay
<Freeza> QDB
#434 (12
<%Puto> I hereby state
<%Puto> that from now on, in every year
<%Puto> January 22nd will be Anti-GerbilSoft day
<+GerbilSoft> no u.
<djohe> [18:54:17] <%Puto> that from now on, in every year <---- you will release a hack on 1st april?
<MagmaDragoon> January 23rd will be Pro-GerbilSoft day
<%Puto> in Anti-GerbilSoft day, we must all break into
GerbilSoft's home, format all of his computers, and load them with
Windows Vista
<+GerbilSoft> fail
<+MainMemory> I usually kick GerbilSoft at least once a day
<%Puto> and burn all his ubuntu discs
<%Puto> and gentoo discs
<%Puto> and every other distro
<+GerbilSoft> [12:54:50 PM] <%Puto> and burn all his ubuntu discs
<djohe> Puto dont forget to change his graphics card to nVidia
<%Puto> right, you don't have them
<+GerbilSoft> you're going to burn me ubuntu discs?
<+GerbilSoft> =P
<%Puto> ...XD
#435 (-10
<&Xkeeper> Caitlin: Sad.
<supes> so god doesn't like a website about british cigarettes?
*** ECrusher is now known as Fag_O`Lantern
*** Caitlin is now known as Jew
* Jew crucifies Jesus *
*** Jew is now known as Caitlin
<+GerbilSoft> where can i buy a fag o'lantern
<+GerbilSoft> that'd be great for halloween next year
<+GerbilSoft> (well, this year)
<+Fag_O`Lantern> Right here, big boy
<supes> creepy
*** Rainer has joined #retro
<+Fag_O`Lantern> Hey Rainer, baby.
<Rainer> hey tweaker
<&Tweaker> hi
<Rainer> whoops
<Rainer> It was either him, Blanche, or SS
<+Fag_O`Lantern> Rofl.
<NoNameAtAll> Wait, what.
*** Fag_O`Lantern is now known as ECrusher
#436 (5
<DalekSam> so I need inspiration to do a thing
<nineko> You need porn to touch yourself?
#437 (-2
<XkeeperLaptop> hey ScarredSun
<XkeeperLaptop> I'm playing with jquery at work
<XkeeperLaptop> at first I was like
<XkeeperLaptop> "man jquery is gay"
<XkeeperLaptop> then I was like
<XkeeperLaptop> "wait no it isn't, it'd be jQueery in that case"
#438 (11
<+GerbilSoft> and here comes the idiot brigade
* Tweaker has joined #retro
#439 (-15
<Volpino> Nah, we had cake, it was chocolate, with chocolate icing, and chocolate sprinkles.
<ScarredSun> Cookie cake is an also-ran
<Chimera> spanner wtf that image
<Chimera> also CHOCOLATE
<Volpino> Also we discussed dicks.
<Chimera> sounds delicious
<Volpino> No seriously.
#440 (-1
<+MathUser2929> snow lightning
<+GerbilSoft> speaking of dumbasses
<+MathUser2929> noone walk talking about dumbasses GerbilSoft
#441 (5
<Spanner> text on a screen
<Overlord> <Spanner> text on a screen
<Overlord> The rather boring sequal to snakes on a plane
<Overlord> =P
#442 (7
<Marc> leaf
<MainMemory> you can /mode +g leaf
* Tweaker sets mode +g #retro leaf
<Spanner> beef
<RetroServ> leaf
<Tweaker> ...
<Spanner> ...
<GerbilSoft> LOL
<MainMemory> apparently not
<GerbilSoft> +gwned
<BBHood> lol
#443 (0
nineko84: I've yet to see you do something wrong when it comes to music or to programming
tiidonaator: well, I don't show my fails to anyone :P
tiidonaator: haha
#444 (-6
<Donnyku[Netbook]> so what do I want for Brunch today?
<Jorge|2> you want to branch if not equal
#445 (-4
<andlabs> wow Cowering's names are really wrong
<andlabs> " Zou! Zou! Zou! Rescue Daisenryaku"
<andlabs> since when does a game about elephants have anything to do with the fucking WORLD WAR 2
<NoNameAtAll> andlabs: You didn't know? The real truth is that the
atomic bomb was an elephant that really just slammed into the cities.
<NoNameAtAll> The US just took credit for it.
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<Lise> lol
<andlabs> lol
<EnzoAquarius> :V
<NoNameAtAll> As for the radiation...blame the elephants' fecal matter. >_>
#446 (17
<Tanks> reginald isn't my penis btw
<Tanks> my penis has a special name only I know
<roxahris> Well, I'm sure it's not your penis
<Tanks> you should be
<Tanks> I treat mine like a pokemon
<Tanks> named it in fucking caps
<roxahris> You make it fight other penises in battles?
<roxahris> You feed it candies and spray potions all over it?
[ long pause ]
<Tanks> just the name bro
<Tanks> just the name
#447 (17
<+Sik> !8ball am I angelXwind?
<@MMBot> It is certain
<@Neko-sama> It is decidedly so.
<+Sik> O_O
<~SonicFreak94> LOL
<%angelXwind> OHSHI--
<+Sik> That explains everything
* %angelXwind (Tenshi@Angel.Player) has left #SF94 (Sik collision)
#448 (12
<@Overlord> It's like asking why you have nipples on your boobs and not your legs
<@Overlord> It just is
<Cirno> someone said boobs
<Cirno> where are the boobs
<Cirno> i must see the boobs
<@Overlord> Calm down #retro
<EnzoAquarius> Boobs?
<Cirno> boobs
<@Overlord> It was a metaphorical example
<Sik> Boobs?
<EnzoAquarius> Who the FUCK said boobs
<Sik> Boobs where?
<Cirno> boobs
#449 (-6
<Aerosol_> 2(9+3) is 2*(8+3)
#450 (-10
<@MainMemory> !c# throw new StackOverflowException()
* MMBot has quit (Client closed the connection)
<@MainMemory> cool
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