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#351 (9
<Lobotomy> also, I must have one giant clitoris
<Lobotomy> because I can't hold the entire thing in one hand
<Lobotomy> wait
<Lobotomy> what did I just say
#352 (-1
<Overlord> <%Puto> Germany must win this game. For the glory of the Fuhrer and the Third Reich!
<Overlord> More like the Third Place
<Overlord> =P
<Tealer> rofl
<GerbilSoft> LOL
#353 (-17
<oerg866> ... i thought cyberkitsune was female
#354 (18
<XkeeperLaptop> it's tempting to try like
<XkeeperLaptop> chghost, chgident, and sanick on some poor unsuspecting sap
<XkeeperLaptop> who wants to be a ginuea pig
<XkeeperLaptop> any volunteers
<Simon> I'll do it
* Simon is now known as Lobotomy
* Lobotomy ( Quit (Changing ident)
* Lobotomy ( has joined #retro
* Lobotomy ( Quit (Changing hosts)
<NoNameAtAll> Oh lawd
<XkeeperLaptop> your irc operators at work
#355 (17
<Sukasa> as soon as you aren't clipping itno the boat (you could even just bounding-box it)
<Sukasa> clear the flag
<Sukasa> what's so hard about that? If anything, you're adding a removal of what's already coded
* Garr humps Sukasa.
<Sukasa> ...
<Sukasa> something you'd like to add, Garr?
<Garr> Yes.
<Garr> My bed + You + Me
<Sukasa> uh
<Sukasa> ....
* Sukasa is pretty sure he'd rather now
<Sukasa> *not
#356 (11
<MCHammer> time for some fun
<MCHammer> Rod Lover
* You were kicked by RetroServ (Stop flooding!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #retro
* Rejoined channel #retro
* You were kicked by Overlord (Pavlov)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #retro
* You were killed by Xkeeper (!!Xkeeper (Penalty kick! (423)))
#357 (0
Kurosan: What's "korthing" though?
Tongara: It's what GerbilSoft does when he tries to be funny.
* GerbilSoft ( has joined #retro
* RetroServ gives voice to GerbilSoft
GerbilSoft: ps tongara
GerbilSoft: shut the fuck up
* GerbilSoft has quit (Quit: E896A44091A4A2A3409396A2A340E3888540C78194854B)
Tongara: lmao
Kurosan: Hahaha
#358 (2
<TheShad> it just hit me what the PO in PO Box means
<Lobotomy> post office
<TheShad> God damn, I feel retarded
<arsenicCatnip> lol
#359 (17
<@FraGag> <TempTina> SONIC SCHG:Sonic Adventure edited
by MainMemory (/* Objects */ (m -36694)):,67002
<@FraGag> how dare you erase 36694 characters!
<@FraGag> :P
<@MainMemory> 36694 redundant characters
<@Marc> so the majority of the Sonic series then
<@MainMemory> <_<
#360 (-6
<+andlabs> [12:19am] The_Government: what if you could snap your fingers and make every TRUE SONIC FAN explode
<+andlabs> sega did
<+andlabs> it's called Sonic 4
#361 (4
<DigitalDuck> Oh, I may as well tell you guys, since you're the only social life I have.
<nineko> Let me guess, your girlfriend left you?
<DigitalDuck> You fucker.
<nineko> That's what she said
<Ink> :|
<DigitalDuck> Yeah.
<GerbilSoft> (drums)
* Ink coughs to cover laughter
#362 (6
<GeneOB> !voice
* RetroServ sets mode: +v GeneOB
<@Overlord> !earth
<+GeneOB> !wind
<%Katelynn> !fire
<djohe> !water
<EnzoAquarius> !heart
* Katelynn is now known as Captain_Planet
<%Captain_Planet> By your powers combined
<%Captain_Planet> I AM GREY SKULL!
<%Captain_Planet> I mean Captain Planet
<@Overlord> I love you #retro
#363 (21
<Ranger> a
* Joins: Ranger_ (IceChat7@5c11bb.518f85.d8acb6.f0f6aa)
<nineko> Stop duplicating yourself
<Ranger_> :I
<nineko> I know, there is something witty I can do
* Joins: nineko_ (
* nineko sets mode: +o nineko_
* Ranger was kicked by nineko_ (no duplicated accounts allowed)
* Quits: nineko_ ( (Quit: :P)
<Donnyku> o.o
<nineko> I am a bastard, I know
#364 (6
<Ross> Owwwwww
<Ross> ouch ouch fuck
<The_Government> ross tried to think again
#365 (0
<shobiz> <nineko> Welcome to #pakistan
<shobiz> *bomb blast*
* Quits: Chaos_Knux ( (Quit: )
<GerbilSoft> ..
<GerbilSoft> >:O
<shobiz> Haha
#366 (-2
<nineko> <TheBarAdmin> oh tweaker tweaker
<nineko> TheBarAdmin: you're doing it wrong
* nineko sets mode: +oh Tweaker Tweaker
<Tweaker> HAHAHA
<TheBarAdmin> wut
<Tweaker> AWESOME
#367 (1
<grap3> I would like to play DOA3.1 on my PC.
<grap3> Would be nice.
<MathUser2929> then install windows on your xbox
<NikJam> >_>
#368 (5
*** Lobotomy has joined #retro
<Lobotomy> I fucking hate AT&T
<GerbilSoft> AT&T. Your world, de---NO CARRIER
*** Lobotomy has quit IRC: Client closed the connection
<GerbilSoft> exactly
#369 (-2
<andlabs> class sonic_retro_member {
<andlabs> public:
<andlabs> void setRetardnessLevel(int x) { if (x == 0) abort("IMPOSSIBLE"); }
<andlabs> };
<Xkeeper> more like
<andlabs> a retardness level of 0 means not a retard at all
<Xkeeper> class sonicretromember {
<Xkeeper> function __construct() {
<Xkeeper> echo "Sonic Retro members aren't classy.";
<Xkeeper> $this = null;
<Xkeeper> }
<Xkeeper> }
#370 (2
<CupCrusher> considering the fact my music abilities have increased dramatically this year
<Blanche> Unlike your spelling
* Blanche runs
<CupCrusher> oh piss
<CupCrusher> like your's is any better
<MainMemory> *yours
<CupCrusher> oh for fuck's sake
* CupCrusher headdesks
<CupCrusher> I failed at proving my point
<CupCrusher> awesome
<nineko> You're going to appear in the qdb though
<CupCrusher> indeed I am
#371 (9
<XkeeperLaptop> HCKTROX sounds like a good time to banninate
<XkeeperLaptop> if you look back
<XkeeperLaptop> all he does is say "xD"
<NoNameAtAll> And asd
<XkeeperLaptop> whut
<XkeeperLaptop> he didn't say asd
<Lobotomy> <XkeeperLaptop> he didn't say asd
<Lobotomy> you suicided
<NoNameAtAll> ?
<XkeeperLaptop> ?
<Lobotomy> <HCKTROX> asd
<Lobotomy> <HCKTROX> asd
<Lobotomy> <HCKTROX> asd
<Lobotomy> <HCKTROX> asd
<Lobotomy> <HCKTROX> das
=-= Lobotomy was booted from #Retro by RetroServ (Stop flooding!)
<The_Government> i support any banning that isn't me
-->| Lobotomy ( has joined #Retro
<HCKTROX> shut up
<NoNameAtAll> XD
<NoNameAtAll> nou
<Lobotomy> just like that
<NoNameAtAll> HCKTROX: Type !oline
<NoNameAtAll> HCKTROX: Type !oline. You'll get op powers like Xkeep's.
<NoNameAtAll> So as to shut up others.
<NoNameAtAll> :>
<Lobotomy> Andeh, after that
<HCKTROX> !oline
|<-- HCKTROX has left (G-Lined: Oops, looks like the O broke. NO BONUS FOR 447 SEC (418))
<Lobotomy> sub focus
<Lobotomy> nigga
<The_Government> ahahaha
<NoNameAtAll> Hook, line and sucker
<Lobotomy> PFFFF
<XkeeperLaptop> i love you guys
<Lobotomy> QDB
<Lobotomy> QDB NOW
#372 (4
<Ink> I have a zit INSIDE OF MY NOSE. D:
<Tealer> I'll look at that in a bit
#373 (-6
* djohe|COM2 ( has left #retro
#374 (1
<%Katelynn> Toyota is casual, yes
<%Katelynn> the brakes were overpowered in a lot of cars so casuals asked Toyota to nerf their brakes
#375 (4
<GerbilSoft> i should start signing Gens/GS releases
<nineko> Capital D, small a, small v, ...
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