Quote #145

#145 (-2
<+Katelynn> ugh, speaking of fat ass
<+Katelynn> I was at the beach today
<+Sonic65> and you saw x64?
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<@Overlord> hahahahaha
<+Katelynn> there was this chick with varicose veins running down her thigh D:
<+Katelynn> and no, Sonic65
<+Katelynn> whales are not natural to fresh water lakes
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<+Sonic65> bahahaha
<+GerbilSoft> ..how DARE you insult whales like that
<+GerbilSoft> comparing x64 to a whale
<+GerbilSoft> sheesh
* +GerbilSoft run
<segaloco> lol
<+Sonic65> x64 is hunted down for his sperm
<+Sonic65> ...wait
<segaloco> >_>
<+Sonic65> NO
<+Sonic65> NO
<+Sonic65> NO
<+GerbilSoft> so he's a sperm whale
<+GerbilSoft> <_<
<+Katelynn> Sonic65 will hunt him down for his sperm
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<+GerbilSoft> oh SNAP
<Flaria> Rofl.
<%Puto> Sonic65 wants x64's sperm
* GerbilSoft is now known as Chris_Hansen
<+Sonic65> fffffffffffffffffffff
<+Chris_Hansen> why don't you have a seat
* Chris_Hansen is now known as GerbilSoft
<Jayextee> Dudes, whales are FUCKING AWESOME.
<Jayextee> I'm not kidding
<Jayextee> Anyway, back to my WIP tl;dr :P
<%Puto> then maybe Jayextee is the one who wants x64's sperm
<JakeyBoy> lol
* segaloco smacks Sonic65 around a bit with a large sperm whale
<Var|Disasm> Each male whale deposites 500 Gallons of sperm in the ocean a day
<Var|Disasm> That explains why it's salty