Quote #169

#169 (-7
<+Comma_Doo> Aren't you black?
<+Katelynn> ...no?
<+Comma_Doo> Oh.
<+Comma_Doo> = thought you were
<+MadEchidna> kate the nigra
<+Katelynn> what kinda black person is named Katelynn
<+MadEchidna> what would lead you to think she was black
<+Katelynn> that's like the whitest name ever
<+Comma_Doo> No idea.
<+MadEchidna> all the times she's said bad things about niggas in da hood
<+Katelynn> the only whiter name is chester, or niger
<+Katelynn> ..
<+Katelynn> nigel
<+Katelynn> hahahaha
<+MadEchidna> haha
<+Comma_Doo> all the times hedgie said bad things about black people in the hood
<+GerbilSoft> niger
<+Katelynn> WOW
<+GerbilSoft> nice one