Quote #400

#400 (4
<Revya> and am feeling lazy
<Catrianna> he's really stupid
<Revya> yes
<Catrianna> like
<Revya> that is what I was going t odo
<Catrianna> sonic stadium stupid
<Revya> because he's a dumb shit
<ScarredSun> Yeah, he is pretty stupid tbh
<Revya> Catrianna No
<Revya> therei s sonic stadium stupid
<Revya> and then there is sonic studium stupid
<Revya> he is the latter.
<segaloco> <Catrianna> sonic stadium stupid
<segaloco> god damn
<Catrianna> whatever
<segaloco> xD
<GerbilSoft> sonic studium stupid
<GerbilSoft> crackers was supposed to be sonic 4
<segaloco> lol sonic studium
<GerbilSoft> coincidence?
<segaloco> :O