Quote #409

#409 (-2
<segaloco> why sine, cosine, and tangent, with cosecant, secant, and cotangent as the ^-1 forms >_>
<segaloco> why not sine, secant, and tangent as the bases
<Overlord> <segaloco> why not sine, secant, and tangent as the bases
<GerbilSoft[POS]> because you lose
<Overlord> Because that would be a sine
<segaloco> then cosine, cosecant, and cotangent respectively
<GerbilSoft[POS]> you get nothing
* Overlord runs
<GerbilSoft[POS]> good day sir
<segaloco> for the inverses
<segaloco> that way its normal^-1 = co- form
<segaloco> <_<
* NoNameAtAll (NoName@bdnk-d492d29c.il.comcast.net) has joined #retro
* nineko is now known as sineko
<Duck> segaloco: because cosine suggests the sine's partner.
<GerbilSoft[POS]> sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
<GerbilSoft[POS]> ff
<sineko> My value oscillate between -1 and +1
<segaloco> Duck: no fuck that
<GerbilSoft[POS]> HDD temp is 56 C
<Duck> Sine, co-sine.
<GerbilSoft[POS]> fff
<GerbilSoft[POS]> damn shitty PoS
<segaloco> >_>
<segaloco> but really
<NoNameAtAll> GerbilSoft[POS]: Sudo Woodo
<Duck> No, really.
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<segaloco> it would make so much more sense for the co versions to be the inverse
<segaloco> it works for cotangent >_>
* coneko (nineko@bdnk-9f6acd91.ip62.fastwebnet.it) has joined #retro
<GerbilSoft[POS]> .
<sineko> Hi coneko
<coneko> Hi sineko
<segaloco> :|
<Duck> Cosecant, secant, and cotangent were derived after sine, cosine, and tangent.
<NoNameAtAll> Taneko please.
<segaloco> stupid
<Duck> sineko, divide yourself by coneko, now!
* You are now known as sohcahloco
* NickServ sets mode -r sohcahloco
<sohcahloco> :3
<NoNameAtAll> .
<GerbilSoft[POS]> dicksneko
* NoNameAtAll is now known as Sudo
<Duck> <sineko, coneko> BY OUR POWERS COMBINED!
* Tanooki (nineko@bdnk-9f6acd91.ip62.fastwebnet.it) has joined #retro
<Tanooki> <NoNameAtAll> Taneko please.
<Tanooki> :U
* Sudo is now known as Sudo_Woodo
<synchronizer> Got to go for now
<GerbilSoft[POS]> segaloco: the inverse of sine isn't cosine or secant anyway
<synchronizer> bye
<GerbilSoft[POS]> it's arcsine
<sohcahloco> Duck: no, its (cos, sin) :|
<GerbilSoft[POS]> <_<
* synchronizer has quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo http://www.kvirc.net/)
<Sudo_Woodo> :V
<GerbilSoft[POS]> inb4 arcneko
* Sudo_Woodo is now known as NoNameAtAll
<sohcahloco> GS: you know what i mean <_<
* NoNameAtAll has quit (Changing hosts)
* NoNameAtAll (NoName@All.yeah) has joined #retro
<GerbilSoft[POS]> reciprocal
<sohcahloco> yeah
<GerbilSoft[POS]> or something
<coneko> Screw that, I already have too many mirc windows open
<sohcahloco> ...
* djohe is now known as arcneko
<Duck> Cosecant is the reciprocal of sine.
<coneko> Now which one was my main one
<sohcahloco> ^-1 = reciprocal :|
* GerbilSoft[POS] is now known as arccogerbil
<sohcahloco> i meant it like that
* coneko has quit (Quit: not this one)
<sohcahloco> not like arcsin
* arccogerbil is now known as arcgerbil
* Tanooki has quit (Quit: and not this one)
<sohcahloco> #trig
<sohcahloco> :3
<sineko> There, only one mirc left
<arcgerbil> =P
<arcgerbil> ...
<arcgerbil> LOL
<arcgerbil> so i'm gerbil^-1
<sohcahloco> sure
<arcgerbil> windows 7 pwns
<sineko> Chrono Trig
<sohcahloco> :|
<GerbilSoft> lol
* Duck is now known as coduck
* arcneko is now known as arcjohe
* sohcahloco flips arcgerbil
<arcgerbil> u no
<sohcahloco> :|
* coduck is now known as tanducky
<sineko> * Duck is now known as cock
* sohcahloco derives tanducky
* arcjohe throws sohcahloco in an arc
* tanducky is now known as Duck
* You are now known as sec2ducky
<sec2ducky> :3
* Duck is now known as cock
* sineko sets mode +N #retro
<sineko> ffffff I am stuck too
<sec2ducky> and it would get back to cocks wouldnt it >_>
<arcgerbil> P=
* cock has quit (Quit: )
<sec2ducky> only in #retro would a trig discussion bring up cocks