Quote #423

#423 (-4
<Gambit> you forgot to +h me nineko :3
* nineko sets mode: +h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h-h+h Gambit
Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit
Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit Gambit
<Gambit> oh god what
<nineko> ffffffff it was odd
<Oerg866> XD
<Gambit> lol
* nineko sets mode: -h Gambit
<nineko> I thought they were even
<nineko> c/p fail
<Gambit> and for a brief time I had % next to my name