Quote #490

#490 (-4
<InstantSonic> We're doing it again
<Overlord> Your webcam antics will only e harmful in the long run
<Overlord> *be
<InstantSonic> So shut your tiny little text fingers
<Blanche> OL you promised you wouldn't mention that :(
<InstantSonic> Don't worry, we'll put on a show for everyone.
<Spanner> InstantSonic: And then you'll do it again!
<Spanner> Can't stop the loop
<Blanche> I hope so ;)
<Spanner> it's like a cycle you know
<NoNameAtAll> The InstantSonic Cycle
* NoNameAtAll runs
<InstantSonic> Hurrr I saw that coming
<Overlord> LOL
<InstantSonic> It's called osmosis, NoName