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#126 (-18
-->| Sails ( has joined #Retro
<EnzoAquarius> Sails away!
<GerbilSoft> Tonic and Sails
-->| TonicBH ( has joined #Retro
=-= Mode #retro +v TonicBH by RetroServ
#127 (1
* TheShad ( has joined #retro
<PC2> hello mommy
<Soselocke> I wish I didn't have so many fucking comics.
<PC2> how are you doing
<+Blanche> Good shower?
<PC2> Did you remember to get behind your ears
<PC2> Did you wash your hair
<Soselocke> It takes too long to look through every single one to
list them in a checklist and then find ones that are fucked up.
<+Blanche> I was imagining being in there with you ;)
<+Blanche> (Good LORD!)
<PC2> wow
<PC2> So this is what a Retro meet would be like
#128 (22
<Kradorex> I want to stop feeling shitty >_>
<Varion|Cyb> Fap
<Varion|Cyb> >___>
<Kradorex> bleah
<djohe> fapping solves everything
<Varion|Cyb> It does
<Varion|Cyb> <__<
<Kradorex> *** Package Error in 'fap': dependancies: libgood-mood
<djohe> lol
<Tweaker> oh my god I want to rape you for that
<Tweaker> ...wait, that came out wrong.
<Sanky> o.O
<GregBFM> I don't think there's any way it could've come out right,
<GregBFM> but okay.
<Kradorex> rape me? why?
<Tweaker> Maybe because you're hooked into the matrix, maybe because of the bad joke
<Tweaker> I don't know; I don't care
<Kradorex> >_>
<SplashWoman> Tweaker, don't encourage them
<Tweaker> >_>
<Kradorex> SplashWoman: I'm not encoraged
#129 (11
<andlabs> why is france different
<NoNameAtAll> Stupid Americans.
<NoNameAtAll> And Britfags.
<Lotsa16BT> Because they eat snails
* NoNameAtAll runs.
<Lotsa16BT> And frogs
<Lotsa16BT> And babies
<NoNameAtAll> And your mom.
<Lotsa16BT> And your dad
<NoNameAtAll> Shit.
<NoNameAtAll> SHIT.
<NoNameAtAll> My step-grandfather ate my dad before he died.
<NoNameAtAll> FUCK.
<Lotsa16BT> You have an interesting family.
<Ironfist> ...
<Ironfist> Kinky
#130 (-10
<MadEchidna> that's what she said
<oerglaptop> ahaha
<NoNameAtAll> Your mom said that?
<NoNameAtAll> o_O
<MadEchidna> wait, I just dissed myself
<MadEchidna> >_>;;
<GerbilSoft> FAIL
<NoNameAtAll> Jeez.
#131 (4
<NoNameAtAll> In before Sose gets kicked for nickname change abuse.
=-= Faggot is now known as TweakersRightNut
#132 (2
<+Tongara> MagmaDragoon will never get laid
<MagmaDragoon> I will prove that statement soon Peter
<MagmaDragoon> wait
<MagmaDragoon> what
<MagmaDragoon> I mean I will prove it wrong
<BlastProcessing> someone QDB that
#133 (1
<+GerbilSoft> A)bort, R)etry, F)ail?
<+Sik> F
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) has joined #retro
<+GerbilSoft> speaking of general failure
* gatorade222 (gatorade222@7f24c5.f0619a.f6dcb2.95e1cc) Quit (Z-Lined: no)
<EnzoAquarius> Fail
<EnzoAquarius> Let me guess, virus download?
<Armada> purewin
<+Kradorex> "[18:29:51] <+GerbilSoft> General Failure
reading drive DATA. [18:29:56] <+GerbilSoft> A)bort, R)etry,
F)ail?" <-- somebody make a banner or fake screenshot out of that
<+Sik> You know
<&Tweaker> oh wow
<+GerbilSoft> ...i didn't even see a link there
<+Marc> o_O
<+Sik> I wonder if one of those downloads is going to be a virus
<&Tweaker> it's drx's ristar editor that was open source
<&Tweaker> rofl
<+GerbilSoft> .
<+GerbilSoft> FAIL
<+Sik> ...
<+Sik> C'mon
<+Marc> ha ha ha aha
<+Sik> ...
<IronSonic_> Haha, idiot.
#134 (-3
<BlastProcessing> if he shows up again i'll be sure to greet him with SUPER SHADE THE NINJAHOG
<NoNameAtAll> I read that as Niggerhog just now.
<NoNameAtAll> :
<Vette_Z> NoNameAtAll: Rofl
<+GerbilSoft> you know who else was a niggerhog.
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<+GerbilSoft> FFFFFFFFFF
<+Sonic65> LOL
<NoNameAtAll> HAHAHA.
#135 (-4
<Zircean> unrelated side note: Xkeeper's evil twin
[12:10] KeeperX> Uptime: 1w 6d 30m 27s 74ms
[12:10] KeeperX> that is what you can do with windows uptime, boys and girls.
Xkeeper> UPTIME - [1wk 6days 1hr 17mins 34secs]
Xkeeper> yeah, that was me a few minutes ago
#136 (6
<Kradorex> Chimpo doesn't like fun apparently
<Lobotomy> which is why he plays Sonic games
#137 (3
<GerbilSoft> checksum += (rom[i] << 8) | rom[i+1];
<GerbilSoft> }
<GerbilSoft> and there you have it.
<NoNameAtAll> rom[i] *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> :P
<segaloco> lolwut
<andlabs> 8) is an emoticon on some systems
<NoNameAtAll> > checksum += (rom[i]|...
<NoNameAtAll> *Shades*
<NoNameAtAll> ...rom[i+1];
#138 (-10
<EnzoAquarius> Also, I just lost The Game
* Marc sets mode: +g The Game
#139 (8
<Tweaker> I strongly believe that the entire world should use equalspee
<Tweaker> fuck colonpee
<djohe> k =P
<GerbilSoft> <&Tweaker> fuck colon
<GerbilSoft> exactly
<Tweaker> .
* GerbilSoft run
#140 (3
EnzoAquarius throws The Game at Sik.
Sik misses it.
<Sik> I lost it :(
#141 (-1
<CyberKitsune> !bk nick [#channel] - Deop, ban and kick <nick> on the specified <#channel>;.
<CyberKitsune> <2
<CyberKitsune> <3*
<CyberKitsune> My fav command :3
--- Tweaker sets ban on *!cyberkitsun@*
<-- Tweaker has kicked CyberKitsune from #retro (mine too!)
#142 (-2
<+Sik> Gerbil, since when are you British?
<+Sik> o_o;
<+GerbilSoft> since your mum
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<+GerbilSoft> FUCK
<@Overlord> hahahaha
<+Sik> XD
#143 (-5
<OSM> I stay on Retro too much
<OSM> I had a nightmare Tweaker dropped from admin, and the world ended
<EnzoAquarius> :O
<OSM> people starved to death, aids/hiv broke out
<OSM> shit happened
<Tweaker> LOL
<OSM> then I woke up in sweats
<OSM> true story
* EnzoAquarius plays Chaotix
<OSM> Tweaker, never stop being an admin ;___;
<OSM> I don't want RE5 to happen
<OSM> irl*
#144 (-5
<andlabs> segaloco: I was going to list what you'd need to understand
<andlabs> * what a class is
<andlabs> * what a method is
<segaloco> ...
<andlabs> * what Main is
<segaloco> I know all that already
<andlabs> * what a public class is
<andlabs> how could that take 3 days
* FrozenNitrogen ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<andlabs> unless your teacher is quite verbose
<segaloco> I knew that there was bound to be some java, but I didnt think thats all it was
<segaloco> get this, he said that c++ is geared more towards windows
<segaloco> WINDOWS
<segaloco> WTF
<segaloco> must be a visual studio fag
<PC2> who even uses li--
<segaloco> I DO BITCH
#145 (-2
<+Katelynn> ugh, speaking of fat ass
<+Katelynn> I was at the beach today
<+Sonic65> and you saw x64?
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<@Overlord> hahahahaha
<+Katelynn> there was this chick with varicose veins running down her thigh D:
<+Katelynn> and no, Sonic65
<+Katelynn> whales are not natural to fresh water lakes
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<+Sonic65> bahahaha
<+GerbilSoft> DARE you insult whales like that
<+GerbilSoft> comparing x64 to a whale
<+GerbilSoft> sheesh
* +GerbilSoft run
<segaloco> lol
<+Sonic65> x64 is hunted down for his sperm
<+Sonic65> ...wait
<segaloco> >_>
<+Sonic65> NO
<+Sonic65> NO
<+Sonic65> NO
<+GerbilSoft> so he's a sperm whale
<+GerbilSoft> <_<
<+Katelynn> Sonic65 will hunt him down for his sperm
<+GerbilSoft> (drums)
<+GerbilSoft> oh SNAP
<Flaria> Rofl.
<%Puto> Sonic65 wants x64's sperm
* GerbilSoft is now known as Chris_Hansen
<+Sonic65> fffffffffffffffffffff
<+Chris_Hansen> why don't you have a seat
* Chris_Hansen is now known as GerbilSoft
<Jayextee> Dudes, whales are FUCKING AWESOME.
<Jayextee> I'm not kidding
<Jayextee> Anyway, back to my WIP tl;dr :P
<%Puto> then maybe Jayextee is the one who wants x64's sperm
<JakeyBoy> lol
* segaloco smacks Sonic65 around a bit with a large sperm whale
<Var|Disasm> Each male whale deposites 500 Gallons of sperm in the ocean a day
<Var|Disasm> That explains why it's salty
#146 (33
<MadEchidna> I went down there to pick it up, and when I was on my way back, at like 7 pm, I got hungry and went to McDonalds
<MadEchidna> it's a 2 hour trip on the bus each way, see
<MadEchidna> so I got a small McRib meal
<MadEchidna> on nom nom, was on my way
<MadEchidna> my stomach goes
<MadEchidna> beep beep beep WHAT THE FUC*BOOM*OOOOAAAAH
<MadEchidna> I had the shits like I've never had in my life
<MadEchidna> I was in apsolute agony
<GerbilSoft> MadEchidna: you could say...
* GerbilSoft shades
<GerbilSoft> were in a shitty situation
<MadEchidna> so the bus pulls up to a park and ride, which was half way between olympia and home
<MadEchidna> so I got off the bus for a much needed bathroom break
<MadEchidna> I RUN to the fucking public restroom, which has one stall
<MadEchidna> and there is some dude paying a psp in the stall
<MadEchidna> and I'm like dude, hurry up pls, I'm about to shit myself here
<MadEchidna> and he's like uuh, whatever
<MadEchidna> a split second after that, my eyes go wide like an anime charactor who's been mortally stabbed
<MadEchidna> and I think quickly
<MadEchidna> I pull down my pants, and procede to fill the sink
<MadEchidna> yeah
<MadEchidna> I was that desperate
<EnzoAquarius> TROLL OF THE YEAR
<EnzoAquarius> What did the guy say?
<Var|Disasm> Did the guy come out?
<MadEchidna> dude, you're saying troll of the year but this really happened
<EnzoAquarius> I know
<MadEchidna> no the dude didn't seem to notice
<GerbilSoft> real-life troll
<segaloco> MadEchidna: I know the situation, I ran into the
bathroom at the gym in school once, all I heard was (fap fap fap fap fap
fap fap fap)
* andlabs throws you all under the billy goat bridge
<segaloco> so I just ran out and pissed on a tree
<Var|Disasm> I bet he noticed when he went out
<MadEchidna> so I finish dispensing my chocolate softserver
<Var|Disasm> or maybe he was high
<Var|Disasm> and washed his hands in it
<MadEchidna> and I'm like okay, now what
<MadEchidna> I'm standing there with shit all over my butt and I have nothing to wipe
<EnzoAquarius> Rubbed your ass in the grass?
<Jorge> loool
<MadEchidna> and I kid you not, it looked exactly like someone had poured like 8 pounds of ice cream into the sink
<MadEchidna> it was like this perfect swirl
<andlabs> MadEchidna: no paper towels
<andlabs> ?
<MadEchidna> so here's the scene
<MadEchidna> no towels
<MadEchidna> and I'm inches away from the door
<MadEchidna> and the door leads to a very public area
<MadEchidna> with a security guard
<MadEchidna> and people
<MadEchidna> and busses
<MadEchidna> no hallway
<MadEchidna> just outside
<MadEchidna> and I'm covered in shit
<MadEchidna> so what do I do?
<MadEchidna> fucking solid snake man
<MadEchidna> I ran into the womens restoom
<andlabs> MadEchidna: you work in an airport, right?
<MadEchidna> *restroom
<EnzoAquarius> MadEchidna: WIN
<MadEchidna> and I used that bathroom
<MadEchidna> oh did I ever use it
<MadEchidna> and to cap it all off
<MadEchidna> I managed to walk right past the security guard and board the bus
<MadEchidna> sans underwear
<MadEchidna> that was the only casualty
<MadEchidna> and that my friends
<MadEchidna> is the McRib Story
#147 (1
<Var|Disasm> You know I once converted a Lesbian to being bi
<Var|Disasm> After jamming my cock down her throat
<Var|Disasm> >__>
<Var|Disasm> :D
#148 (-2
<GerbilSoft> you have no life.
#149 (-2
<Hakudoshi> what's wrong with x64?
<Hakudoshi> you like IA64 better ?
#150 (-10
<MadEchidna> So Kate,
<MadEchidna> Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
<NoNameAtAll> Not you.
* NoNameAtAll runs
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