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#226 (0
<NoNameAtAll> Tweaker: Umbreons don't cry.
<NoNameAtAll> That's just Fake Tears.
#227 (-2
<GerbilSoft> there's a button assigned for beeping the horn?
<GerbilSoft> lol
<EnzoAquarius> Yep
<EnzoAquarius> One of the drivers loves abusing it
<+Comma_Doo> there is a button assigned for stfu
<EnzoAquarius> I'll put the drivercam in the background, and all I hear is
*** Comma_Doo has been kicked from #retro by RetroServ (this one?)
<EnzoAquarius> 'HONK' 'HONK' 'HONK'
<GerbilSoft> :D
#228 (-1
<MathUser2929> I've got over 10,000 edits.
<+Kradorex> 60% of which I bet are trivial/meaningless edits
<MagmaDragoon> Xkeeper / Edits: billions served
<SOTI> -8,388,561 posts, 0 edits hahahahahaha
<MagmaDragoon> >:P
<MathUser2929> who knows Kradorex. Not every edit can be a massive edit.
<+GerbilSoft> looks like you...
* +GerbilSoft shades
* +GerbilSoft ( Quit (Killed (Revya (YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)))
<&Revya> got served.
#229 (-14
<+TonicBH> t-s-s-z is still banned?
<Tails> What does it even mean?
<+TonicBH> the super sonic zone, I believe?
<+nineko> It's the prequel to t s s gt
<@Overlord> The original TSS is superior
#230 (-4
<+andlabs> 645 thunderspeed September 23
2009 19:08:10 PM EDT thunderspeed deleted quote #595 from the database.
<+andlabs> note the
<+andlabs> if this was real, he'd post the IP address
<+nineko> It's real, it's in roman numbers, so it's
#231 (-11
<XkeeperLaptop> how do i pm on irc
<XkeeperLaptop> is it /kill Oerg866 message
<djohe> no its /kill djohe you are a faggot
* djohe has quit (Killed (XkeeperLaptop (you are a faggot)))
<XkeeperLaptop> so it is
<XkeeperLaptop> success!
#232 (-5
<%Spexfox> You should write a novel.
<%Spexfox> it'll be all about your struggles in Retro and how no one truely understands you
<%Spexfox> ....but one!
<~ScarredSun> Spexfox Motobug is not a real person
<~ScarredSun> It's just a service bot
<~ScarredSun> Hate to break it to you
<%Spexfox> No! NO!
<%Spexfox> WHY!!!?
<~ScarredSun> Wouldn't that be less yiffy and more mechy?
<%Spexfox> There's an animal inside >.>
<~ScarredSun> So what you're saying is that badniks are giant metal condoms
<%Spexfox> exactly
<%Spexfox> What? You think they're so Robotnik can take over Mobius or something?
<~ScarredSun> No, of course all smaller animals in Sonic's world just have a hard-on for metal cosplay
<~ScarredSun> That makes so much sense now
<~ScarredSun> Sonic and his friends are just sexual moralists
<~ScarredSun> Trying to shut down the work of Dr. Eggman, the great provider
<%Spexfox> None of that machine costume bullshit on their watch.
<%Spexfox> Just gay sex
<~ScarredSun> Obviously.
#233 (-18
<+GerbilSoft> Michael Jackson in Sonic 3?
<+GerbilSoft> that's Bad.
<@Overlord> ba dum tsch
<MetalKnux> oh lord
<MetalKnux> #retro
<MetalKnux> I just realized
<MetalKnux> now what is Qjimbo gonna talk about?
<MetalKnux> ooooooohhhhhhhh dear
<MetalKnux> he can't wander around asking people about a possible connection ebtween Michael Jackson and S3 anymore
<@Overlord> Associating a different artist with a Mega Drive game
<MetalKnux> Bon Jovi?
<@Overlord> "If you were to associate Rick Astley with a Sega Mega Drive game..."
<+GerbilSoft> If you had to associate Rick Astley with a Sega Genesis game, most people would say this.
<+GerbilSoft> ..
<@Overlord> LOL
<MetalKnux> ahaha
<@Overlord> I'm QDB'ing that
#234 (10
<MadEchidna_> <Overlord> Much like any sign that has Real's logo on it should have BUFFERING written on it
<MadEchidna_> taclug ftw
<MadEchidna_> fun fact: I live in tacoma
<@Overlord> From: (Thu 05 Dec 2002 04:41:09 PM PST)
<@Overlord> 2002?
<@Overlord> You saw that EXACTLY 7 years ago?
<MadEchidna_> what?
<MadEchidna_> >_>
<MadEchidna_> what are you on about OL
<@Overlord> The comment
<@Overlord> On that image
<@Overlord> From: (Thu 05 Dec 2002 04:41:09 PM PST)
<@Overlord> Hahaha! That's the funniest thing I ever saw!
<MadEchidna_> OH SHIT
<@Overlord> What time is it for you right now
<@Overlord> You're PST right
<MadEchidna_> 4:40pm
-> [MadEchidna_] TIME
[MadEchidna_ TIME reply]: Sat Dec 5 16:40:58
<@Overlord> Holy shit
<@Overlord> JUST over 7 years ago
<@Overlord> To the minute
<@Overlord> ahahahahaha
<+andlabs> wait
<+andlabs> what
<+andlabs> rofl
<JakeyBoy> its close enough to say it was EXACTLY 7 years ago.
<MadEchidna_> I'm doing a fucking Joker laugh right now HAHAH
<MadEchidna_> someone needs to qdb that shit
<MadEchidna_> what are the chances
#235 (-3
<@XkeeperLaptop> Should we validate you?
<@XkeeperLaptop> A. Yes, because I have irrational political and
moral opinions on everything and need to express them as assholishly as
possible (Validate to Members)
<@XkeeperLaptop> B. Yes, because I plan on improving the wiki with good articles and facts (Validate to Wiki Sysops)
<@XkeeperLaptop> C. Yes, because I'm interested in learning how to program for the Genesis (Validate to Trial Members)
<@XkeeperLaptop> D. Yes, because I like posting high-quality macro pictures of my penis (Validate to Oldbie Lounge)
#236 (3
<C|Aion> Nineko, start banning people elft and right
* nineko sets mode: +b elft*!*@*
<nineko> Done
#237 (-8
<Chapati3800> lol GAY PAY ELL
<Chapati3800> GAY (as in, inhuamn) PAY (as in, low pay)
<Chapati3800> that'as what you get for endorsing that cancerous license
* Chapati3800 was kicked by RetroServ (ELL as in I ELL OH ELL'd after kicking you)
<@Overlord> ahahahahahahahahahaa
#238 (-5
* Devann insert Coldplay Shiver lyrics here [I'm feeling depressed atm.]
<Kate|Away> eww, coldplay
<vaguerant> I'd be depressed too if I listened to Coldplay.
<Kate|Away> you have every rig
<Kate|Away> yeah what vaguerant said
<vaguerant> Hahaha.
#239 (1
<@GerbilSoft> scarredsun destroyed it
<@GerbilSoft> and earned 100 points
*** ScarredSun has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<RingtailedFox> he also destroyed his connection
<RingtailedFox> :P
#240 (8
<+Umbreon> ladies
<Chex> where
* Trunks ( has joined #retro
* RetroServ sets mode: +v Trunks
* KamikazeBonus ( has left #retro
<Chex> Oh no, do I have to QDB now
#241 (-5
<Tweaker> !
<Tweaker> I WANT THIS.
<GeneOB> you would
<Tweaker> yes.
<Tweaker> I woukld.
<Tweaker> would, even.
<Umbreon> fursuit
<SOTI> ^
<GeneOB> If you put a gray paper plate on your face with a crazy grin
<GeneOB> you can cosplay nineko
<Tweaker> ROFL
<SOTI> hahahahahahahhahaha
<SOTI> awesome
<SOTI> that is so getting qdb'd
#242 (9
<SOTI> uh
<SOTI> I can't access the qdb right now, could somebody copypaste #228?
<andlabs> SOTI: why
<GerbilSoft> <ChrisHighwind> Chapati450: fact 5
<GerbilSoft> <Chapati450> fact #5 of 6: tweaker tantrum
[from NoNameAtAll!NNAA-Win7-Ult@921a86.c061db.661aeb.2f1ee6 on Mon Nov
02 19:54:26 +0000 2009]
* GerbilSoft has quit (Killed (Xkeeper (92)))
<SOTI> pwned
* GerbilSoft (Mibbit@0f14cd.bc6609.9f5376.770f18) has joined #retro
<XkeeperLaptop> ...
<XkeeperLaptop> rofl
<XkeeperLaptop> hahahaha
<GerbilSoft> damn, he turned it back on
#243 (10
<Tidbit> oh some girl at school is totaly making me a sandwhich for christmas
<MadEchidna> well it's no blow job but hey
<MadEchidna> instead of her putting something in her mouth, she's putting someting in your mouth :V
<Tails> MadEchidna knows all about blowjobs
<@Overlord> Yeah
<@Overlord> Because he SUCKS
<MadEchidna> I do
<MadEchidna> :O
<MadEchidna> fuck timing
#244 (-5
<Blanche>Ladies' breasts aren't very nice, are they?
<Andeh> what
they're awesome what are you talking about
<Blanche>They look like giant, flesh-coloured eyes
And the nipples are gigantic pupils
<Andeh> maybe to you =P
<Andeh> I don't know
<KusanagiShiro> BS Blanche.
<Andeh> No wonder they always see you when you're peeking
<Bobinator>You know what? I suddenly remember that I don't think I've ever seen a girl on Retro.
<Andeh> What
|<-- Bobinator has left (Killed (ScarredSun (what)))
<GerbilSoft> (drums)
<Andeh> lol
-->| Bobinator ( has joined #retro
<Bobinator> Huh.
#245 (0
<Overlord> =P
<GerbilSoft> =P
<Aquaslash> =P
<Overlord> =P
<DAGarden> =P
<Spexfox> =3
<Overlord> YOU RUINED IT
* Spexfox hi5's GerbilSoft
* GerbilSoft hi5 spex
#246 (-1
<Kate|Away> RingtailedFox: that's childsplay
<Kate|Away> people fly buildings into planes all the time
#247 (1
<GerbilSoft> try and rule34 a pond.
<GerbilSoft> =P
<NoNameAtAll> GerbilSoft: Dunk a penis into the pond.
<NoNameAtAll> Problem solved.
<NoNameAtAll> :|
<GerbilSoft> that doesn't really count though
<GerbilSoft> pond doesn't respond =P
<GerbilSoft> *react
<NoNameAtAll> It ripples.
<GerbilSoft> .
<GerbilSoft> ffffffff
#248 (-8
* CyberKitsune ( Quit (Connection closed)
<CyberKitsune> Crash
<CyberKitsune> And
<CyberKitsune> I'm not an attention whore anymore, I could care less.
* CyberKitsune ( Quit (Killed
(ScarredSun (it was a nice peace let's get a few more seconds of it)))
#249 (-2
<SOTI> no, ThunderSpeed wasn't wetflame
<VaizD> I wish, man. That was a beautiful achievement. But no, it's stuck on my busted laptop.
<ChrisHighwind> Does anyone know what the deal is with SonAR and Sonic 3D Blast for PC?
<ChrisHighwind> I try to download it, and I get a Forbidden Error
<JakeyBoy> it's illegal =P
<Thundertimi> Wetflame was that hottie?
<Katelynn> lmao
<JakeyBoy> o_O
<Katelynn> paging opertor
<ChrisHighwind> Sonic Retro: You've got questions, we've got smartass remarks
<Katelynn> we have topic material here
#250 (0
<Chex> Alright, Retro, can you unbore me
<Umbreon> Chex I can draw you porn
<Katelynn> draw him chex porn
<Tidbit> O_O
<Katelynn> it'll be so hot
<Chex> :|
<Umbreon> mmm
<Chex> Porn is lame
* Tidbit whistles
<Umbreon> my dick is hard now
* Chex ( Quit (Quit: )
<Katelynn> hahaha
<Katelynn> way to go Umbreon you scared him away hahahaha
<Umbreon> aw I scared him away
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